What difficulty are you mainly playing on?

I am a true Gems of War addict. And probably not the only one by the cast of characters that post in this forum. Lol. I play every day and this is the only game I play on my pc. It’s a lot of work but in the end it’s worth it.

Very true, addicted too, even sponsored the game with some cash. What guild are you in? Are they in the top? I have tried some teams, so far I found it most fun to play the Rockworm team, so fun when it just works out!

I’m with Celestial Peak. We have got to 75th in the ranking. We are a casual guild but there are a few die hard players in the group. Some new people too that contribute as much as they can because they are also levelling up their kingdoms. It’s a good group.


Im in light army, just made some seeks, untill I found a guild, they currently 11th. Trying to donate as much as possible to the guild, but also trying to level up, at least the two last attacks. Just started out 2 months ago on the android version. Just level 130 here.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was right where you are. I started on my android phone until I found it was available on pc. Bigger screen. I’ve seen your posts with your questions and requests for advice. You’ll do fine in the long run. Just keep playing and learning. The people here have a wealth of knowledge to share and are very willing to help.

This is probably the best support forum I have been in ever, when it comes to any games. People here is really so helpful, that it is almost unbelieveable. Yeah, doing fine so far. :slightly_smiling: I must admit that I love to see that you are using this team even on L300+ tells me that it will work out after level 200 as well, as I feared it wouldnt.

Coming up against a traited and mythic team may be a different question. The team I went against (don’t remember it’s troops) wasn’t fully traited and had no legendary troops. In the end you just have to keep using it until it doesn’t work anymore. When you can’t seem to win then it’s time for a new build. And in the end it comes down to how you play more than the team. I have beaten much higher level players because sometimes the AI does not play their team build very well and I take advantage of that.

Very true, pal. :slightly_smiling:

Why do you think this is a horrible team?

Many people still need loads of souls to level all thier troops for the kingdom power levels. Which essentially means that you need a team that works well with Valkyrie as that is still the quickest way to gather souls. And Glade Warden, Valkyrie, Sheggra’s Heart and Sheggra are a quick win team that gets people the maximum of souls for each battle.

Maybe you don’t like facing this team, but it is definately not a horrible team…

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I don’t know how it works, yet. So I won’t make my opinion on it. However, I think you should accept Mac’s opinion on this one. I know he is an experience player, and that he has like everybody else’s a differently taste. I prefer a Porsche, you might prefer a Ferrari.

That would explain why people use this team when invading, but not why they need to set it as their defence team… That’s what @Machiknight is complaining about…

Yes, the big problem with players fielding defence goblin teams and sheggra/bone teams is that only one team line up is guaranteed to beat them. Currently 85% players seem to be using them which forces me to use only 2 teams which is very very very boring indeed! I have no problem beating these teams - just with the fact that there is next to none diversity at the moment. Please please peeps put some thought in to your defence teams for the sake of the game :smile:
I play on normal - lev 1000

How can you know that he’s talking about that? Genuinely confused here, 'cause all he says is:

Ugh so many people playing that horrible sheggras heart team…

right after 3 people (Namour, BlueDog and me) have posted that they use that team for invades…

Obviously, he does’nt like it nor uses it. Does it matter if he likes it or not? As long as you likes it and have fun with it I dont see the problem.

I realize that, but @Jainus says that @Machiknight is complaining about it being used for defense, and I’m a bit confused about that 'cause that’s not what I’m reading from @Machiknight’s post. I’m interpreting the post as that he dislikes the team regardless of how it is used. But maybe I’m not reading it right (English is not my first language)…

For the record: The Sheggra’s Heart team is not my defense team. I only use it for invades. My defense team has been set to: Gorgotha, Gloom Leaf, Silent One, Carnex (all level 19/20, without traits), which it has been for at least 5-6 months (only leveled up beyond level 15 after 1.0.8 obviously).


Lv10 kingdoms: 15 - all attack, karakoth (which is the only magic on my version?) and random others.
Main difficulty: Warlord 1.
Main team + Levels: Glade Warden L17, Serpent L17, Valkyrie L18, Bone Dragon L19.
Traits: All for glade warden and valkyrie, cunning and agile for serpent.
Banner: Double red banner.
Bonuses: Lord of Giants : + 1 attack

For a long time (and will be again, but I’m going for souls at the moment) the team was:
Treant L18, Alchemist L18, Valkyrie L18, Banshee L17.
Traits: All for valkyrie, first two for the rest.
Banner: Double red banner.

Wow I got popular overnight!

For the record, @jainus is 100% correct why I don’t like this team.

As is @esslee as to the reasons why.

Plus I was mostly being melodramatic for fun.

Kingdoms: All level 10
Difficulty: Normal

Attack Team:
Green Slime (19, one trait)
Valkyrie (19, fully traited)
Hero w/ Sheggra’s Heart
Keeper of Souls (19, one trait)

Defense Team:
Gar’Nok (19, one trait)
Drake Rider (20, two traits)
Dark Song (19, one trait)
Summoner (19, fully traited)

Lv10 kingdoms: 10 - all magic and attack, and then some.
Main difficulty: Normal.

Main team (attack and defense):
Ranger (L19, 3 traits)
Fenrir (L18, 1 trait)
Druid (L19, 2 traits)
Barbearius (L18, 1 trait)
Banner: Double green banner.
Team Bonuses: x4 Maugrim Woods, x4 Wildfolk, x4 green. Sums up to +5 Attack, +2 Armor, +6 Life, +25 green mastery.

Lvl 109 or so
Kingdoms: None 10 (One 9, rest 6).
Difficulty: Normal or Hard for Arena, Warlord 4 for challenges
Team for challenges:
Brian (0 traits, 18)
Acolyte (1 trait, 15)
Valk (two traits, 15)
Brian (see above)

I am currently alternating between soul farming by (trying to) finish the challenges I haven’t got yet, which is most, and arena for fun and gold. It’s not a problem to lose on the challenges as long as you had a chance to fire Valk a couple of times in the process :wink: