What are we working for?

Got no idea who that is, but nice one :smirk:

Honestly IMO the only card games on par with gow are triple triad, yugioh(Ps1) and gwent, no i never played magic the gathering sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m working for the money, so I can feed my family, pay the bills, maybe buy my own house someday.

Oh wait, you meant in the game? I don’t work in the game, I play it. For fun, you know, as a break from real life stuff like work. I only play when I feel like playing, and do in the game what I feel is fun to do. The day I feel the game had become work is the day I will be out of here.


Ewww…Gwent. I played Witcher 3. I played the mini game when I needed to, and couldn’t believe it when they made it into an actual GAME! lol

i love my guild for the family atmosphere, for the flexibility of both keeping the aim /ambitions and in same time being able to be laid back and relaxed, also for the fact that they accept me at better and worse times.

when i play i set some small goals to reach simultaneously / consecutively and find a balance between time to purely have fun and time to reach those mini-goals
right now my goals are

  • traiting gard
  • 1500 seals via pvp
  • getting new mythic (soon?)
  • reaching 3* at drifting sands with leftover souls

It is a little unfair for me to say why I like my own guild, but I have enjoyed the challenge of building something from the ground up. I appreciate the members of my guild who have contributed far more than I have, which helps push us to the next level. And I especially appreciate my officers who help keep me on path to our goals without being a quota nazi.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a guild leader being a quota nazi. Left unchecked, leeches bring down the ceiling of what a full guild can achieve!


Sorry but what, there is no ceiling in a game with so many diff sentiments and reasons to play.

A guild with 10 leeches cannot accomplish the 40k seal chest without spending $200- that’s the ceiling I’m describing. I’d argue that there’s no need for a guild master to come down on themselves for kicking such a player in an effort to replace them with someone consistent and productive.