We want real PVP, not AI!

@Lyya I hope you don’t mind, but fixed your response:

LOL His name is: “This user is suspended until Oct 4, 2044 7:07 am.
Reason: Excessive Trolling” LOL

Adding my voice to the list -

I would rather not “be like Hearthstone”. I personally hate the PvP system in Hearthstone and truth is, the only game I really liked was Tavern Brawl… and that is the only feature I’d suggest putting into GoW, is to make it so the only “real” PvP is in a minigame with different rules every week.

The reason I don’t want to “be like hearthstone” is that Hearthstone already exists. It has professional players that will define the meta for you every time new cards are released. The only RNG is your deck shuffle and the coinflip to see who goes first.

Basically, if you think the Guild Wars complaints about RNG are bad, wait until realtime PVP starts happening and the opening player gets a cascade that wipes half your team before you even move… talk about rage quit.

So devs, please prioritize realtime PvP below making Guild Wars fun because I don’t want more grief in the game.

PS: I quit Hearthstone after a three month love affair where I spent $500 to get all the cards. Yes it is cool to have a crafting system but I think one of the things that has kept my longevity here is the fact that it wasn’t super easy to ‘complete my set’ and that I didn’t have another person to feel angry at when I lost a PvP match.

Rofl… he actually did have an account suspended until 2044… I thought it was an exaggeration.

Funny stuff :smile:

I’m against real-time PvP. For reasons above. Doesn’t suit the game. Waste of developers’ efforts. So many more modes and games and content that I’d rather see.


I would like to see a raid boss mode

Big boss with lot of health and the entire team need to participate to kill it then win some loots


While I like the idea no clue how they would do it.

Not too complicate you start with low health boss so every guild get a chance to kill it and every time you kill a boss the next one get more health and they could give reward after killing 5-10-15-20 bosses and keep going

But would that not just be a time investment issue with looping teams?


Well maybe put some rules maybe each troop could only cast 2x during the fight then when every troop did 2 x his magic or skull attack, they die and your guild mate need to try finish boss

We’ve put some thought into super boss mode over the years. Some kind of Old God Cthulhu style, like Abhorath and the Karakoth story. The boss could appear as a single troop occupying all four enemy spaces - multiple spells with separate mana pots, but one set of stats. Loop teams could be managed with passive traits like ‘when the enemy matches 4+ gems, freeze a random enemy and deal it x damage’.

Agree @Rickygervais this’d be a great mode to see, and keep guilds central to the game.


What I would hate to see with this request, (like I have seen in other paid applications), is the ability to farm points or rewards based on the amount of ca$h a player is willing to drop on the number of turns/chances to attack boss mobs.

It will kill the game, making it purely P2W.



Yeah guild raids have always been more fun then guild wars in most of the games I’ve played like that.
It’s what I was hoping for tbh.


Agree. But this game has never really gone that way, and never had one of those hateful energy systems… (though the early days gold cost for battles was a little like that, now long gone).


If there was a single chance per player at a match against a raid boss/group, I would most certainly be keen. I don’t really see things headed that way, but it would add a nice change to the system.

If it had a timer on the event, it would have to be a minimum of 24 hours due to the world wide group of people in guilds; when I’m headed to bed, most of the player base is rising for a new day.


i absolutely dont want gow to turn into “live pvp only” game and also i dont want the current pvp grind to turn into “live pvp grind”, not to mention “live guild wars” is just as horrible idea

id like live pvp, but only when/if:

  • very few live matches per week (3-7 ?) can be done with high rewards/costs, the rest of them with absolutely no rewards

  • live pvp will not be implemented in already existing game modes but just be made as additional “minigame/mode” thing

and then if its implemnented id like it this way:

  • first turn will be solved by handicapping the starting player (for example he cannot extra turn at all)

  • the question who gets the extra turn will be solved in a quick mechanism that is fair (for example you and opponent can choose do you wanna start first and only if both of you choose same option - coin toss)

  • the amount of extra turns per player turn/round will be limited (for exaample 5? ) or penalised somehow (timer countdown for player round to finish regardless of extra turns ? )

  • the response time will be limited (timer/countdown) per player round or per turn, with reasonable timing

  • there will be some kind of mechanism added for autimatic forfeit if player goes afk/disconnect for too long

I’ve suggested a mini game variant before that would suit realtime pvp:

  • have a ‘flux’ bar at the top of the screen, like a tug of war indicator
  • flux indicator starts in centre and moves towards player each time they collect mana, and moves other way only when opponent collects mana
  • if flux swings too far to one side, a flux event triggers, causing one or more or all of:
  1. jumble the board
  2. mana drain all troops on that player’s team, or on both teams perhaps
  3. deal damage to all troops on that player’s team, or on both teams perhaps
  • on flux event, the turn forcibly passes to the other player and the flux tow indicator returns to the centre

This should limit extra turns and so move away from loop teams. It also causes some payback to negate lucky cascades, and introduces different decision-making.

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looks fun :grin:
but i think id keep it as a separate ‘live pvp flux’ mode, not the main ‘live pvp’ mode :stuck_out_tongue:

If this “real PvP” involves locking the speed animation at 4x and having simultaneous moves for both players, I’m sure it will be a “Huge success”. :grinning::wink:

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Absolutely what I meant.

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I was disappointed to see real PVP wasn’t implemented in the latest patch. Wasted effort on pretty graphics and nerf when resource could be used to mke this game truely great. :frowning: