We heard you like Gnomez?

I think everyone is calm i just want to prevent the storm coming this friday if it’s the true :slight_smile:

It’s better to talk about it now and maybe get some input from the dev and MAYBE some correction will be made before the event, then wait when the storm hit us


They promised spawn rates, not better vault rewards. And in another thread the whole “was it really a mistake” issue was discussed so i won’t even get into that.

It’s not negative, it’s realistic based on observations of past behavior. And i’ll take that over blind optimism any day of the week. That’s how you set yourself up for disappointment. Like with reset this week, i didn’t bother to stay up in excited anticipation because looking back on last week and quite a few other weeks there were server issues that would hinder me from playing, and if i did that, i would’ve been upset. Instead i woke up early to check out the new modes, saw there were still server issues, got a chuckle and shrugged thinking “figures, the usual”, and went about my day until i saw on the forums the issues were fixed. Realism with a side of pessimism trumps optimism with a side of naivete.

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I dare to say: “It depends.” But i won’t bother you about this matter anymore. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@ivar if we are right you will be piss but if you are right we will be happy :slight_smile:

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Depends on the person, absolutely. Just what’s kept me sane the past 15 years :slight_smile:

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It’s not about that Ricky… I’ll take what VenusBlue said:

If we could grind the entire universe down into atoms we wouldn’t find a single atom of kindness, honesty, love, violence, hate and others… That’s reality, these don’t exist and yet they exist. Paradoxal huh? Why they exist? Because people believe in such things, and believing is the first step to make something real by practicing it. (This is a line of thought based on the Hogfather from Terry Pratchett’s)

It’s ok, for me, if you don’t share my optmism, but it’s optmism that drives people into challenging the reality. :slightly_smiling_face:

Beware @Sirrian, i’m more optmistic than what you weighs in long tailed chinchilas! :rofl:

@ivar on another note do you know how many damages required for each level? i missed the first ones

Of the Raid Boss i assume. No, i’ll see in my guild if anyone can provide numbers and then i’ll return to you via PM if/when i get some response.

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any answer would be nice.

1- when you guys nerfed the gnome rewards, did you also nerfed vault rewards?

2-is it true, the vault rewards (during vault event) are better then the vault rewards (outside of event)?

please @Saltypatra @Sirrian @Nimhain @Cyrup @Alpheon @GoldPhoenix0 @Kafka @Ozball


I realize the quality of drops had to be lowered, but the current state seems unnecessarily paltry. There was an argument in global about which drop was worse: 100 souls or two minor traitstones? Every online game I have played hosted its fair share of negativity from a portion of players. There’s a lot of folks now whom I never see complain about anything telling chat how disappointed they’ve been with decisions made concerning resources. However, I think making the weekend event worthwhile will shave off a lot of the current resentment. So, like a lot of players, I was rather let down initially with the situation and it’s turbulence, but I would seriously be waves more pleased with the new content if the vault and BH events are baller. Especially if raids and invasions are these obvious gems sinkholes.

Anyway, I know this has been said. I just wanted to second the constructive feedback. The core of the game is still a lot of fun otherwise I don’t think we would be so concerned.


Bumping again… come on devs yes or no it’s not complicate


I think you are absolutely right Rickygervais.

I think all evidence points to the devs taking the opportunity of increased gnomes to simultaneously decrease the rewards for the vault, even though vault keys appear to be just as rare - the net result is far worse rewards every time we do a treasure vault.

In the original system people were getting all sorts of great rewards in the vault and the keys were fairly frequent. If the only things that have changed in the vault event is worse rewards, that means that we shot ourselves in the foot by demanding more frequent gnomes when we would have received far better rewards during the vault event.

I am hoping the devs will inform me that I am wrong about this assumption and that rewards during the vault week are the same as they were when the update was initially released. Otherwise, it will be extremely disappointing.


Where I think the baseline mentality is mistaken. Is the thinking that the Vault is coded differently then the Gnomes are.
The vault is simply one match where you face 3 Gnomes and Cedric. You get the same rewards as you would. If you faced the gnomes in normal matches just times 3. With a special Reward from Killing Cedric.

Whether on purpose or not, when the Gnomes were nerfed. The vault also had to be nerfed. Maybe they will recode how it all works. Maybe the won’t. Either way. Souls or Minor Traitstones have no business being awarded for any element involving gnomes. Unless you change the drop rate to 1:10. It’s currently (officially) 1:30 matches.


Yes and i assume we are right since i keep asking them and they deliberately not answering. I know they saw the msg i pinged them all and still no answers. I guess they prefer wait when the fire is started to do something. Really dissapointed


Never saw a vault key after defeating gnomes i think the droprate is 1/1000, only received 1 at unlock portal in the raid and if finally playing this vault you get again crap rewards, it’s a total rip off crap rewards in raid and vault, it will be like most people say a pay to win game, they will lose allot of players


Normally you should get more vault key during vault event starting this friday
The gnome suppose to appear more often With a bigger chance to drop vault key

But the problem is lot of persons including me, think we will get the same crap rewards we can get right now in the vault event


Also nobody think it will be limited by some kind of token??

It sound to good to be real, pretty sure there is a limitation crap so you can’t play 24/24 and catch plenty keys

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The limitation will be that the event runs for 3 days. They’ll probably adjust the drop rates to be improved but not what I would call plentiful, and the rewards within the vault are going to be what they are now, so this won’t be game breaking.

if i don’t get at least 5 vault keys during all the weekend i will be upset and you know i play alot


Yeah, I’m trying to get everything else out of the way so I can speed-grind explore for Arcanes and gnomes. I’m hoping to get a few vault keys but I don’t know what a reasonable expectation is yet. I’d like to think I’d be happy with anything, but we’ll see.