We dont think the Enraged Kurandara is worthy for 8 Orb of power

I was very disapointing as well. The devs are so lazy! The Enraged Kurandara even has a same artkwork with the mythic one, that is unacceptable! Show us your respect at least.


8 power orbs is a lot to ask for. Having a full collection is what keeps me going, but if we get 2 or 3 of these a year I will soon fall behind. Hopefully, the devs will adjust the price of this, because it’s no Zuul lite.


kind of agree in this one mayb 5 would b better

I think 3 would be fairer. Still takes some effort, but is achievable enough to appeal. I’m not going to even try and get 8 power orbs for this, because not only would it take too long, but there will be another one soon, and its probably going to be better.

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For nostalgic reference:

The anger is very real in that thread, with much the same arguments.

Since that thread, single-cast was removed. Then it was added back. Then it was removed again. And here we are.


This mythic is a Doomed Scythe that takes double the mana to cast. The devs don’t understand it takes a year to get 8 orbs of power. They also don’t understand that an orb that does of the job of 3 orbs should not cost 9 orbs to forge, but lack of math skills is a major issue around here.


Enraged kurandara is a joke. Fact

Shameful and unethical addictive mechanics implemented in this game might have something to see with that.
Many smokers are also still smoking…


Hey everyone,

Watch the language, please.



they are slight difference one for the bears and the others for the kingdom

So I will say that the AI probably would have won if Essence of Evil would have targeted my Zuul’goth (which is cursed because of Enraged Kurandar) instead of my Fist of Zorn. But it didn’t, because the AI in this game is horrible.

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A minor orb from Invasion Weekend, another from September calendar, and a third from ToD Event, and I get to witness what all the Rage was about…

Can’t verify what was there a week ago, but, I like this troop. As long as the AI know how to use it properly. Which it doesn’t, allegedly.