We dont think the Enraged Kurandara is worthy for 8 Orb of power

That is good to hear. Looks like the next campaign is all about Duskbringer (DB2), and we don’t know anything about the recipe of it - there are 3 weapons that form parts of DB2. Nefertani weapons (I think?). If it is exactly similar to Dawnbringer, it would be better. :crossed_fingers:

But how can we trust them?

You’ll get extra one from Vault when you dont need it and it should be Mythic.

Maybe they sort of predicted the players’ dismay with this low blow of requiring eight power orbs, so they planned it ahead to not look so greedy.

Or they overestimated the number of white knights that would raise their banners in their defense even with this whole fiasco and they just changed their plans.

Since they refuse to communicate their plans or discuss their decisions it’s up to us to decide on what we believe.


In one of the past q&as, they’ve mentioned the idea of more bosses and more things to craft with power orbs.

If the devs just communicated a bit more in 2020, all of this could have been avoidable. Something as simple as we have some new things you can craft with power orbs coming soon. Get ready!


The Quality and Quantity (and, to a lesser extent, the Channel) of communication is indeed something that every player should consider when e.g. deciding what to believe…

…or what is 505’s doing, and what is IP2’s responsibility (particularly when it comes to those responsible for interacting with customers).
:relaxed: :vulcan_salute:

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For that matter I could even agree if Enraged Kurandara would demand ONE power orb. This would still be a steepy price considering that newish players might want to complete their collections at some point, so they would have the long term goal of gathering:

  • 1.000.000 souls for Dawnbringer.
  • 8 Power Orbs for Zull.
  • 1 Power Orb for Enraged Kurandara.

Make things too hard to catch up and at some point players will feel unmotivated to keep playing or even recomend this game (or any other F2P). It doesn’t matter that Zuul, Enr. Kur. are not essential to the game. They are trophies and give player some sense of accomplishment.


For that price I demand to convert a color of choice, not just yellow


The devs PR have now adopted almost complete radio silence, choosing instead to hide behind the newly recruited meat shields known as beta testers. Anyone who still spends cash on this bug laden fiasco of a game has zero concept of value for money. And no self esteem


I’m more and more convinced the devs as we know them have transitioned to other projects, but aren’t allowed to publicly divulge this. GoW is in the Sears/KMart phase of life: bleed as much money as possible from it before abandonment.


According to the financials though, GOW is doing great. I won’t drag up the thread, it is availabe by searching, but it is also propping up 3 other games. Financial reports continue to quote ‘remarkable growth’ and ‘performance year on year’ is basically the theme.

I’d expect financial performance to rocket due to battlepa$$ and would wager the game is now in a phase of minimum investment - maximum yield, in other words, limited work on anything that does not generate money, more money or leads to gaining money.


Been this way for a while, imo. There are a lot of really minor issues/“quick fixes” (specifically localization stuff) that could easily be bundled into any of the patches - yet they’re not.


Agree, and add ‘bury bad news’ to minimum investment - like 8 power orb bad news…

Shame, a few genuine minor tweaks to interfaces/bugs/soul based troops and rates/token drop rates/imperial deed paucity and would surely get more happy people/customers.



The orbs are to get people to spend more gems on events for the power orb.


The fact that things that are such “easy wins” are not even allowed to be considered shows how tight the devs’ leash is.

I’d say the same about the guys that continue to play a game made by developers they have a problem with but that’s just me.


Yh that is just you. And the community know it

Yeah if I was even half as angry at the developers as you are I would stop playing the game, period. Crying about it on a forum would be an absolute waste of my time. But hey, do your thing. There’s a word for guys like you but unlike you I’m not gonna throw a cheap shot your way.

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Yeah, seriously? It couldn’t be 2 Orbs of Power or 4, it HAD to be 8.

It’s a Boss. Boss troops cost 8 Power Orbs. Allegedly.

Mythic troops cost 4k diamonds. I don’t get a discount on Gargantaur just because he sucks. Now I gotta look like an a-hole because I don’t have an Aurora to put in a PvP team to help folks out with campaign. Or a Gargantaur. Or a Bloodwood. Or a Queen of Sin.

But yeah, not a mind reader, but I guess in the devs world, all Boss troops = 8 power orbs. And a Heart of Rage = 300 gems. Allegedly.