USA Presidential Election

Term limits for every politician, judge and all government officials.

No more laws passed that do not benefit everyone and apply to everyone.

All government officials and employees must use Obamacare or get rid of it.

Cut all spending immediately and only fund critical systems. Audit everything and hand out appropriate punishments.

Get rid of the IRS, EPA and various other cancerous groups.

Pull back US worldwide presence and only leave troops, assets etc in countries that formally and publicly ask for our presence.

For now on politicians can only decide if or if not to go to war and that is it. Once a war has been declared there is NO political involvement, only the military.

All military personnel should be free to carry at all times at any base.

Just a couple of things that would set America back on the right path.


Damn squirrel I think you’re holding back. Tell us how you really feel.

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Hot damn listen to the squirrel go!

Also: no more lifetime free healthcare and pensions for politicians.


I could blabber on all day but sadly the simple truth is…

People would rather believe a lie they agree with than a truth they disagree with.

Nowadays people are far more concerned with being right instead of what is right.

So endith the lesson…


This is the nature of politics now. Look how many politicians win simply because they use social media and their opponent(s) don’t.

Nothing different than what every politician has done since the beginning. Only difference is he isn’t subtle about it.[quote=“Ashasekayi, post:59, topic:6700”]
In my opinion, you can’t care for your country and play such an irresponsible game.

America is a country founded by rebels who didn’t want to pay interest on loans. Then they went to war with themselves over the right to enslave other human beings.

As far as I’m concerned, Trump pretty much is the prototypical American. If I was wrong, he wouldn’t be the damn frontrunner.



I’m going to guess you are (at least mostly) Libertarian?

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I don’t really consider myself anything anymore. I am independent would be the best statement. My Republican friends think I am Democratic and my Democratic friends think I am Republican. And my Libertarian friends just think I am crazy…

I am more pro common sense and practical thinking.


Does pretty much every politician lie? Absolutely. Does every politician court angry bigots? Nope.

I’m sure we can get into the ugly histories of all industrial countries in the world. America isn’t the only country with embarrassing historical misdeeds. However, that doesn’t change the danger Trump’s rhetoric poses.

Also, he is the Republican frontrunner. That isn’t any indicator of how he will do in the general election.

This helps see the numbers without any media bias.

It’s going to be close. You either get a shady crook or a loud-mouth bigot. Both of which are traits of the prototypical American.

Americans, no matter who wins, will get the President they deserve.

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Americans don’t corner the market on bigotry or shadiness. And, no one deserves bad politicians. Some Americans aren’t a “Family Guy” stereotype.

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We can’t all have model citizen crack addicted politicians :wink:

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He was a mayor of one city, not the leader of the country.

And Rob Ford proves my point above about politics being a popularity contest and that voters are voting for the more “real” candidates.

With Trump, you get what you see. Clinton is basically a robot with hidden agendas and you have no idea what she is really thinking.

And for the people who wonder why Trump has female supporters. He didn’t call ALL women fat and ugly, only Rosie O’Donnell. Clinton can be viewed as weak since she was basically nationally embarrassed by her cheating husband and she didn’t have the guts to leave him.

And as a last comment before I never touch this thread again, I do not support Trump or Clinton. If I were American, I’d vote for Sanders probably. His views are closer to mine than the others.

I’m just playing devil’s advocate here :smiling_imp:

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So far Trump isn’t even that. Also my comment was meant to be a remark about the traits that you see as American to just being traits of crooked politicians globally.

You really don’t. Just because his deceptions are less “sophisticated” and subtile doesn’t mean they don’t exist…
And everything you say about Clinton is really true for the vast majority of power driven politicians all around the world.

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So what you’re saying is that all Americans are loud mouthed bigots our shady crooks. Hmmm. Nice big brush you’ve got there, it must be weird to live in a world of such sweeping generalities.


So a fellow anarchist then, good man. :wink:


this thread is starting to get ugly. had a feeling it would :frowning:

lets not bring on a blood bath :slight_smile:

Simple Definition of typical
: normal for a person, thing, or group

Simple Definition of prototypical
: having the typical qualities of a particular group or kind of person or thing : very typical

Simple Definition of normal
: usual or ordinary : not strange

You dispute the view that the majority of Americans are typically xenophobic and/or bigots?

You guys barely avoided a race war over unarmed African Americans being shot (almost on a monthly basis) and there’s been (serious) talk of a “wall on the Mexican border” since 2001.

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