Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

That is a perfectly fine line of reasoning for some. The issue is the majority of the community needs legendary tasks. Unless the gold investment remains unchanged, this is a huge nerf to most of the community that are currently unlocking them for keys, etc.


You can get pet food, treasure troops and shards, ingots by doing pet rescue, daily faction, faction events. You won’t get gem keys, event keys, Mythics from them. So they trade something unattainable with something can get by play.


Is the guild older than a year? Cause umm…


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Time to spend all your gold. Not worth hoarding it if you were saving it for a big Christmas drop. Winter is coming. Coal in your stocking is coming.


The questions is: Are those people in guilds with lots auf LTs?
I have another account almost complete, with no LT Support.

Well, thanks for letting us know ahead of time about the incoming nerf at least.

To go over why people are less than enthusiastic about this change, lets look at the rewards:

  • Blue - Chaos Shards: Extreme diminishing returns once all faction troops are unlocked, further diminishing returns. These are not really a “hot ticket” item at endgame. This is mostly cost-filler even starting out.
  • Green - Attempts to solve short term scarcity (of deeds, apparently), but it is unclear the quantities they will be handed out in. L20 kingdoms are on the table eventually, but not “planned” currently.
    Either way, eventually, this entire task color will be completely useless (cost-filler) unless it is futureproofed by some infinite usage.
  • Red - Treasure Troops: Chaos Shards but less versatile, see above. Cost filler starting out.
  • Yellow - Tokens: The only one of the bunch that has actual lasting long impact, but tokens are farmable, so this essentially takes the role traitstones took in legendary tasks, albeit shifted a few years into the future. Also, unknown if they will be handed out in quantities that will be actually helpful. Depends heavily on if this is a reliable source of Nysha medals or not for long-term mythic upgrades… if we only get one or two tokens of this rarity per week, this is most definitely cost-filler.
  • Purple - Colored Pet food: Attempts to solve scarcity while putting up a semi-permanent cost barrier, but unsure if the quantities handed out will be sufficient to overcome said scarcity. Either it will be enough to upgrade every pet and it will become cost filler eventually, or it won’t and it won’t have solved the problem
  • Brown - Ingots: Might solve a short-term scarcity for epic ingots, but is also a semi-permanent cost barrier. Also, only epics are “scarce” here and it is highly likely only 1 or 2 of the tasks will even offer these, and in unknown quantities. Mostly-cost-filler right off the bat because of this, unless every tier after the first one is Epic ingots. Will be complete cost-filler when people start “finishing” epic weapons regardless.

Legendary tasks some amount of stuff that is not strictly useful to endgamers(traitstones, mostly), but it only comprises 20% of the “good” reward table and 5% of the two “lesser” tables. Everything else on the LT table is a troop or something that can get you a troop. Very clear to see what this rebalance is targeting. So, while we have to see the quantities at which the stuff for “Epic” tasks is handed out, no amount of ingots, chaos shards, treasures, pet food, tokens, or even “writs” will help you pull the next mythic or kingdom legendary.

So, okay, its a nerf that effectively removes legendary tasks from all but a handful guilds and increases the cost barrier (presumably by another 31 mil or so, if the ratios between the tasks are 2x, but we will have to wait and see) for even those. The part that bugs me is how some of this is cost-filler on release, and most of these will be intentional cost-filler within about a year or so, or a pit that you have to throw your gold into to reach legendary tasks while offering nothing with tangible value. Isn’t there a way to structure rewards where players still actually want them after a certain point? This would, first and foremost, involve futureproofing resources so that they always maintain a consistent minimum “value”. Thats what is missing here, and quite frankly, with the economy as a whole. Note that if this were done first, there would be very few objections about this kind of re balance, because people would be clamoring for an additional consistent source of all of the items instead of just viewing how unhelpful they are in the long term (and in some cases, short term).

One day, I’d like to see some of these “value” calculations. I still maintain that there is no calculation where something that takes away a resource used for the primary goal of the game (troop collection via the main key drop pools) can be equated to a resource that only achieves some tertiary goal, particularly if said goal is already reachable through other gameplay means or if the resource in question is already infinitely farmable.

I do have a table calculation for average legendary task values (calculated from datamined values and the official explanation of how LTs are rolled), and I will show the value of everything gained and average value of “lost” equivalent legendary tasks per week when the patch goes live (or when we know for sure the total reward tables and their total costs) for a true side-by-side comparison. But I think the issue here isn’t so much “how much” of what is offered (which we don’t know yet), but the items themselves not being very desirable already (again, largely in part due to hard or soft capping the “value” of the resources because they aren’t futureproofed), so I don’t expect any more of a favorable reaction comparing them side by side.


If any of these things were true. Then Epic Tasks wouldn’t exist.
Are too many people playing the game?
Is this your form of a “Thanos Snap?”

I hope you’re working hard to “improve” Legendary Tasks since 1 will now cost 47ish million to receive. (Updated since the cost is 15 million more than first estimated.)

No one will need shards since only 5% of your game population will be able to afford to do Delves.

Pet food is nice, but again… Won’t be needed due to the extreme inflation of gold value.

Tokens need to be all Nysha otherwise they aren’t worth it.

Writ, I’m going to assume bad since explanations didn’t make it.

Forgot the rest already because that’s how worthless they are.

This was only shown early so that we can all see the massive nerf. So by the time you adjust it and make Epic Tasks cost 1.3 million instead of 4-5 million. You’ll have future idiots on here thanking you when in all reality you’re just trying to get them to pay for troops.

Epic Tasks (as it stands) will be the epic death of GoW.


I wonder how they calculate the “value” though

  • Chaos Shards - Well, I’m not maxed on them, but I’m FAR from in need of these
  • Writ - Unknown resource, hard to comment (ANOTHER?! resource though)
  • Treasure Troops - Less flexible than chaos shards and this task is a gold sink rewarding something that enables gold sinks…
  • Tokens - Ok, this is useful :slight_smile:
  • Colored Pet Food - Not bad, but I’m more in need of pets/copies first.
  • Ingots - Good for my completionist itch, but limited use. Can we upgrade mythic ingots to doom scrolls at some point? :yum:

And a reduction in keys and traitstones, because LTs will be out of reach.
Yeah… not a fan of this change.


I wonder how this will affect guild member movements between guilds. I imagine it will make the top guilds more desirable - the task rewards might not be much, but there’s also new stat bonuses with them. And it will make guilds who currently do “alright” with tasks (eg. a couple of LTs each week) look much weaker as they will no longer be able to say they complete all tasks.

Maybe that’s the point, to make top guilds more “top”?

Anyway, I don’t like it. I think it will give a bigger advantage to a few guilds and make things worse for many others.


How about we replace treasure troops, chaos shards, or ingots with event keys. Then I would feel better about the update.


Yeah, the concept of replacing LTs with a second set isn’t the issue, it’s the rewards they picked.
Gems, keys and jewels, even for 10 times the amount of gold would be far more popular.

I am a bit curious why they chose to make regular tasks give mixed rewards per color, yet make these epics “pure”. With a mix you might grumble at a certain task but concede it’s needed to get the good rewards beyond that, with this new setup some colors will become hated or loved and probably start serious debate between people who have different needs/desires.


@Saltypatra Will you buff the legendary tasks correctly? because it’s already bad now, my guild closes over 150 Lts in the week of the new myth and to come up with some myth is already impossible, now that having access to the legendary tasks will cost more, you could buff them,
Sincerely yours, Azurebaulmung, X Box One.


When should 4.7 appear

End of December early January is my educated guess.
The devs won’t say though.

Maybe they will roll out the updates before holiday season, just in time for all the devs to come home and no one in the office


Could we get an option to selectively mark Epic Tasks as completed each week? Like pay part of the total cost, Epic Task is done, forfeiting all “rewards”?


Salty also said that the gold-to-rewards ratio is highest for the early epic tasks, and drops slightly with each successive task. It doesn’t make sense to let players get the best-value rewards, skip the worse-value rewards, and go on to legendary tasks (whose return falls in the middle). Unless you are suggesting that the gold payment is to receive none of the rewards for that epic task, I don’t see why the devs would allow that as an option. (I see why players would want it, but not why the devs would.)

Why not make Epic Tasks worth gold and souls? We wait for some soul sinks (and we already have gold sinks).


Yes, I’m suggesting to be allowed to pay to entirely skip any epic task, without receiving any of the rewards. I see perfectly well why whoever is forcing those tasks on us wouldn’t want to allow that as an option. However, a nerf of this extent might go down better if players are given the choice between two evils:

  1. Pay a large ransom to progress towards the former rewards, receiving nothing in return
  2. Pay an even larger ransom to progress towards former rewards, receiving something considered worthless in return

I seem to recall Sirrian saying something about rewards supposed to feel rewarding to the player. I hope he’ll be able to make that vision come true for his next game.