Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

I thought the game is suppose to go the less grindy direction


When I saw Epic Tasks I thought it read Epic Torment… :wink:

It’s been abundantly clear for a while that the devs don’t like the following;

  1. players who can farm for epic amounts of time to generate resources

  2. players who can attain ‘valuable’ items such as Mythics, Event Keys and Gem Keys from consistent choices that allow them to attain such items through long term strategies.

  3. players who spend gems and money on potions to defeat delves at high faction to gain additional stats or completionist satisfaction (they don’t like them, they love them…)

  4. new players - period

  5. players seeking to complete their collections by making selective choices to assist in collection of mythic troops, pets and resources

  6. players that return to the game - remembering how cool it was and then finding out everything is walled off unlike it used to be and behind infinite sinks

I could think of more.

  1. Players produced their results from weekends of farming for vault keys.The result (which followed shortly) was a nerf to resource aquisition through play time. Later an ubiqituous defence mechanism was invented to curtail epic farming by further adding infinite sinks - tokens.

  2. Players could wisely PVP a lot, the supposed ‘crown of the game’ and build up resources such as gold and glory. Glory could be used to buy event key packs to help collect legendary troops and ascend them. Furthermore building up glory helped with those times that Mythics failed when pulling from guild chests or if you were in guilds who don’t get 40k seals. This part (building glory) at least at the moment hasn’t been nerfed, but it will be.

  3. Players spend gems and money on attaining faction rewards. This was a masterstroke by the devs/publisher to garner substantial income, leading to more ways to gather income in the pursuit of in game rewards/progress/reputation. The result is players gem resources deplete dramatically unless they spend real cash and there’s always a new one just around the corner. I’m even in agreement with their business principle.

  4. New players - wow, travel to the top of Everest to see it’s only one of the mountains on all planets in the solar system that you need to climb…

  5. Players striving for completionist rewards - doesn’t appeal to me, but there are players that seek this and this keeps pushing the envelope away from them. Pushing LT away from the vast majority of people for those who keep missing mythics or haven’t abundant time to gather resources who can’t aquire them as their guilds are not full with active players. At the same time, push event and gem keys away from the masses (all players), after one not so insubstantial nerf to event keys with the limitation placed on the ability to gain event keys. At the same time, regular additions to the legendary pool on a constant basis, watering down and eroding the value of an event key for each new addition.

  6. Players returning to the game at the point of the release of 4.7 and who can’t spend 40 hours a week on this game.

Just for starters


This new update is just another attempt to nerf resource gathering of useful resources (i.e. glory, gem and event keys) for endgame players in highly active guilds. This another very disappointing development.


GW also will be really better with that crap.

Your guild cant/wont complete all task and is in a bracket with guilds that instead do? have fun fight vs opponents with 21 stats points more than you (another “small” bonus that get added to renown, deeds, medals, elite troops etc etc).

Soon GW gonna start look like ToD lol with you fighting opponents with x2 your stats.

Amazing how this game is getting worser and worser more time is passing.

And yes, min goal is prolly demolish key gains so ppls desperate for new troops gotta shower them of money for gems (let alone those showering them with money for the ring of wonder to get more gold to pay for those lame tasks).


Just out of curiosity, how much time per week do you spend playing this game?

2-3 weeks is my guess on when it will drop.

Gives them time before Xmas, time before next GW for the 27/30 change that is coming.

If its not done then, then next chance is really mid Jan like you said, due to Xmas and Holidays in general most of the team will be out of the office.

The numbers I’m seeing in the beta … well without saying anything that would invalidate an NDA, you can all extrapolate from the screenshot here. The numbers are really poor.

That’s before we take into consideration… the fact that we do not want more Chaos Shards, Pet Food, Ingots, or treasure non-troop stupid things that should not be placed with our troops but are anyway for no freaking reason.

Things from delves we can get from delves. There’s something else in the patch that might make this easier to do, no further spoiling it from me, but the point is that we do not need the damn things gating our primary resources.

Pet Food we straight up do not need.

Ingots we also do not need.

Writs are okay at best, people have basically figured out what they are likely to do, but I have seen the numbers. Medals are (probably?) nowhere near what a dedicated explorer can get in a week but considerably more than an un-dedicated explorer would. The fact that both of these resources amount to stats and basically nothing else makes them less valuable than gems and keys that can get new troops.

Overall, stuff in this teaser, probably a 2/10 or a 1 or something from me. Its not good. Oh and I don’t remember signing an NDA for the beta testing here.


A significant portion of the “upper middle class” guilds of GoW (i.e. any guild completing 30LT or less, if new prices are accurate) are about to get a huge middle finger, and I don’t see anything in the list of “Epic” task rewards that even remotely qualifies as compensation.

Anyone setting a timer for the use of “Gem value” as justification?

The publisher’s gloves have definitely come off with this announcement. If you want Event keys, time to whip out the Credit Card and buy those Gems! Oh, wait…Gems are already the worst value in the shop. Incoming more Event Key flash offers? :woman_facepalming:

I really hope someone high enough up at 505 pulls the devs out of this nosedive before it takes out a sizable chunk of the playerbase, because this is going to be bad when it hits.


I agree with your view @Arelana, the effect of this change on the guilds is what I’m the most wary of. It has the danger of splitting the community into the (semi-)casual and the hardcore much more than it does now.


I don’t really get some of the “It’s fine!” points, especially the ones that rest on, “You aren’t even using the LT income anyway!”

If it is true that LTs aren’t rewarding players, it is not true the only solution is to add another tier of more expensive tasks on top of them. The devs could note there has been a shift in resource needs and adjust LTs to match the new world. We’d be upset and complain about it but in the end settle down when we realized the stuff we had before is not as good as the things we have after.

Bolting another tier of tasks on top of LTs is a resource grab. It will make you and your guild spend more gold per week. Unlike some past scenarios it’s clear you will get new, different rewards so it’s not technically a total nerf, but I think psychologically players have been using “this guild gets X LTs per week” as an indicator of power and that means players are really attached to the LT system.

Maybe the devs are thinking, “People will be fine with not maxing these every week” but that’s just not how players think. The competitive guilds will stress and fret over maxing it every week. Maybe there are new sources of gold income headed our way, but I think it’s notable, “I think the game doesn’t require me to spend enough gold” is the opposite of what players are complaining about right now re: hoards.

So the only way I think this works out good in players’ eyes is if there are other changes in store that also adjust how we get gold in a relatively large upward direction. Maybe that’s also around the corner, but that would’ve been a better first spoiler than, “Hey guys! We’re going to double the gold cost per week for a guild to stay shiny.”

I get that there will be more rewards but at some point it ends up like real life: there are luxuries and benefits that make a BMW or Audi a good purchase, but the sticker price is why a lot of people settle for a Ford or Mazda. Because of that divide, we see a lot of differences in people who buy each.

Apparently that’s where GoW is going? To maintain status you have to be an even bigger spender? I’m already slowly bleeding gold, so I can see myself hitting bottom and deciding to bow out before I start feeling bad about falling behind.


Until the actual rewards per task are revealed, I can’t say whether they are worth the price.

However, it is clear to me that this change is going to seriously increase the gap between top tier guilds and everyone else. Stonger players that are accustomed to getting max stat bonuses from tasks are going to be drawn away from mid-tier guilds to guilds that can atleast finish all 12 tasks. Recruitment of strong players was already getting harder for many guilds, and this change will only make that problem much worse.


Put another way:

GoW is like a job in that the time we spend in-game is converted to resources. We try to do the most efficient thing to get the highest paycheck. Endgame players get paid a little more because they have more tools to be more efficient, and they have more income to convert to other kinds of resource. At its heart this is a fair system. That games are like jobs is part of why we play them.

I used to play between 3 and 4 hours of GoW per day. This kept my gold, glory, and gems increasing at rates faster than I could spend them given that time investment. I felt like a 3-4 hour investment was a decent ask for an F2P game to make. Now I play more between 1 and 3 hours daily depending on what’s going on in my life. It’s made a big mark on my GoW income and I’ve been scaling my spending back to match.

Doubling what my guild might ask me for puts a big cramp on that. It’s starting to feel like GoW’s wanting to put “4-6 hours daily” as the bar for entry into the big leagues. Again, it’s fair to suggest the competitive realm is limited to players who spend a lot of time, but I don’t even spend that much time on Pokèmon or other, bigger games anymore.

Key tl;dr takeaways:

  • I am selfish and complaining that my playstyle doesn’t count as “competitive” anymore.
    • That it did is a reason I poured so much time into GoW at all. It kept me motivated to keep doing it.
  • There is no doubt in my mind this is a precursor to more modes and more daily events thus even more adjustments to “minimum hours”.
  • I’m pretty certain a lot of other people don’t want to spend 4-6 hours as a minimum investment for their F2P match 3.
  • I believe it will be easy for me to find another game that rewards me for 2-3 hours of investment daily.
  • At some point the minimum required to “keep up” will exclude all but the spendiest players.

I’d be so much happier if this were a game mode distributing new resources. There’s nothing fun about the task system. It’s just a box where you input a number and convert gold to rewards.

Side idea that’d make this easier for guilds I think: new feature request: the guild can set a tax, and some % of all gold gathered by members is automatically donated to tasks in the priority order set by the guild leadership. That way members spend less time futzing with a boring interface and more time farming.


Sometimes (quite often these days) I feel like devs are not really concerned about how the game actually is. Ok, they can say that is because players don’t know how that will (would) be. I just think they should not kick endplayers backs since they did invest a bunch of their time and money in this game. So any change would be at least discussed with them. I am not talking about taking decision of implementing or not any change necessarily but at least to have a better idea of those impacts for them.


Looking at those starting rewards a little more in detail we get:

  • 5 Chaos Shards for 10k gold
  • 3 Writs for 10k gold
  • 1 Coin Purse for 10k gold
  • 1 Gaard Token for 10k gold
  • 1 Blue Pet Food for 10k gold
  • 2 Rare Ingots for 10k gold

Greater value than Legendary Tasks? Come again? And those first tier rewards are supposed to offer the very best gold value, getting worse the higher you donate? In case the powers in charge really don’t understand the game mechanics, here’s some insight:

  • It takes 20 Chaos Shards for a single pull, 5 Chaos Shards is really nothing. Note that the first tier Brown Task rewards 20 gold keys, for half the cost.
  • Writs actually look interesting. Which makes me suspect we’ll need a huge amount of them for even a single Deed and some excessively expensive transformation ritual in the Soulforge. Details on how Writs work seem to have disappeared from the announcement, which doesn’t bode well at all.
  • Coin Purse is worthless. There’s next to no player who would willingly donate it to their hoard after understanding all details of the donation formula.
  • Tokens are in a weird spot. Everybody wants them until they have three medals of each type. Afterwards, any further benefit requires an excessively large amount of souls, which most players don’t have access to. The gambling mechanism for troops upgrades is so much stacked in favor of wasting souls that excess medals of low rarity have no purpose at all.
  • Pet food is also in a weird spot. If you play the rescues you usually have enough food, if you don’t play the rescues you usually don’t have enough pet copies to need the food. The cost feels quite okay, maybe this just needs a way to trigger pet rescues for excess food to shine.
  • Players are drowning in Rare Ingots, there isn’t anything reasonable one could use them for. Actually, any reasonably active players is drowning in any kind of Ingot bar the Epic one. And even those are soon going to exceed their welcome, because the number of Epic weapons to use them on is rather static.

Please disclose the full task reward list for all task tiers.


That’s why I phrased it as “value per gold”, not as straight up rewards for completion. I have not seen the full list, so caveat lector. But if level 12 of each task costs 150 times as much as level 1, then “equal value per gold” would mean an award of 750 chaos shards, for each person in the guild, per week, for just the one level of that task. Of course, those 750 shards would also cost 1.5 million gold (assuming task costs are simply doubled for epics).

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If I am a new player and I’m reading this thread, I’m immediately looking for another game to play, because it makes absolutely no sense to me.

Other issues: If there is gong to be a way to craft deeds, can we please get back the player-personalized daily adventure tasks? The sole dev-stated reason for locking them to a single daily set for everyone was to give all players equal access to the deeds.

GW matchmaking has been broken for ages, my guild won’t even play it anymore because we keep getting paired with guilds who have big stat bonuses, and we have none, being a strictly casual guild. More stat bonuses we can’t get just increases this disparity. I do not have either the time or the emotional energy to be a “cheerleader” for the game every week in guild chat.

Devs, please make this game a little less about completionism and a little more about being a match-3 puzzler.



Between hoards and medals now I have two things I have to tell myself “Ugh that just takes more time than I have, I need to do what I can and just be OK with my friends passing me up.” Are writs going to be a third?


@Saltypatra with all due respect, this is straight nonsense. End game players don’t need ingots, shards, pet food, etc. We want the game to be fun again and less of a mind numbing grind. If the intention of 505 is to have a mass exodus of endgame players, then well done—that is my prediction. :woman_facepalming::frowning:


It almost seems like this update is intended to chase away endgame players that have decided not to spend any money on the game any more. Please correct me if I’m wrong…

There might be a fairly big endgame player exodus when this blatant resource nerf hits…


It’s not just going to chase away endgame players, but also those mid tier players that are getting the middle finger. If they want Gems of War to last forever, this patch just killed any chances of that happening. I’ve did my best to support this game and the devs over time as they can see with my VIP level. But if this goes live I’m never gonna spend another dime on this nonsense. I’m out the door.

Hell I even enjoyed the game enough to start a 2nd account on PC and start raising the VIP level a bit. I primarily play on xbox. I’ll find something else to do with my time. If I could walk away from a game like WoW after many years of time investment, it won’t be hard to do that again here.