Underspire - BROKEN SPIRE teams

First option

A fast straightforward team.
This team easily beats all kingdoms at E12 so will be good to the final boss.


Second option
A fun team which could be faster against late game enemies (150+)

Amarok is quick to fill at the start by gem matches. Then fill Axe of Fire to feed him. Amarok then mostly self fills with red gems as does Axe of Fire. Once you get started it is possible to get devours back to back by alternating Axe & Amarok.

Sunspear class gives constant Firestorm.

Infernus for burning trait and useful backup. You should not need to use it much.

Generally if red gems (+ burning enemies) = 13 or more Amarok will devour.
Watch out for immunity to devour unless they are stunned (by Amarok’s 3rd trait) and leave until last to use Amarok’s, by now, massive skull hit ability.

This team easily beats all kingdoms at E12
