All eggs in the Nebuladryx basket this week.
No tricks, just match 3
This is a fast team which beats E12 in all kingdoms so will be good to the final boss.
All eggs in the Nebuladryx basket this week.
No tricks, just match 3
This is a fast team which beats E12 in all kingdoms so will be good to the final boss.
Great team thanks esslee. I’m running very similar…
Champion’s cleaver (sorcerer with purple storm at start of battle to get thrall up)
The possessed king
Lively and deadly. Will really enjoy underspire this week
Darkstone is a really squishy kingdom when it comes to Skull damage – Nebuladryx has the highest Skull reduction in the kingdom … at just 30%.
I forget what I drafted my team with, but I did just recently obtain Nebuladryx myself (after a batch of 4 crafts, the median value) and could unlock his first two traits right away, so yes he’s going into lead position – though this makes it rather difficult to pick other troops that don’t wind up somehow mana-locked.
Great! My team is the same (only Barbarian)