Translation Errors Masterthread

It’s used in many other games and has become a standard English gaming term, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good term (like how “data mining” is misused). League of Legends, Paladins, and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III are other games that use True Damage. I also see people use the term in Warframe even though it’s not an official damage type.

I wonder what game started first started using the term. Maybe it was LoL?

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Now that you say that, I indeed remember some games using TRUE damages wording. If its now a standard term in video games, that makes sense its also used in Gems. Thanks for the explanation.

The deep king wrong translation in the french version is still not fixed after 4.6 update. (He deal true splash damage but on the french version, “true” (purs) is missing).
And another troop from Sea of Sorrow have exact same problem: Mershark.

Other error present since months: Dragon eye weapon french description for its cast is meaning nothing (probably since the change of this weapons behaviour): Actually it say “transform randomly the last enemy into a baby dragon with full mana”. There is nothing random anymore as its always now the last troop that is transformed and its always into a baby dragon!
Here is the correct french sentence:
“Détruit x gemmes. Transforme le dernier ennemi en bébé dragon avec toute sa mana.”

Weapon Golden sun (Soleil d’or in french) have also a wrong description for its cast: It say in the french version that it will remove armour of all enemies but in reality it remove the armour of only one selected enemy.
Actual wrong text: Enlève l’armure de tous les ennemis…
Correct text: Enlève l’armure d’un ennemi…

Another prob present since eternity: In the forge, the 3 weapons required to forge Xathenos are all written with a different spelling for Xathenos!
The correct french spelling is Xathénos. Only one is written like that! Another one is written Xathenos (accent on the e is missing) and another one is written Xanéthos (n and t inverted). :roll_eyes:

Ok, that was probably my last try with all that. Lets wait and see…

If the person in charge of the French version is reading this message, please send me a private message here so we will be able to quickly correct all the little errors still present in the french version. Thank you in advance.



Thanks for the perseverance and care, that is not necessarily always as valued as we wish. :pray::blush:

I am waiting for their feedback too on another translation thread ( Improving Gems of War Translations - #32 by AMT ), but apparently ‘they read everything but do not have time to comment on everything’, regrettably demonstrating that their dedication to the game is not at par with some of the players and forum-dwellers, who would happily provide feedback to all posts to keep the communication and collaborations flowing, even though they have work and family lives. :sweat_smile::vulcan_salute:

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And another fatal error. I says
‘Füge einem Feind xx Schaden zu’

im englischen steht

‘Deal xx damage to all enemies’

Right would be in German:

‘Füge allen Feinden xx Schaden zu’


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@AMT I only have X amount of hours at work and replying to every thread, even ones which have already been forwarded to the translators or team or which refer to things which aren’t bugs, have already been suggested and rejected or accepted or are already on the schedule means that I can spend less time actually:

  1. communicating reports and feedback and suggestions to the team
  2. Helping players with technical issues
  3. Testing the bugs which have been reported so I can provide the team with more information to help them fix it
  4. Doing any of the other things I’m responsible for.

So while we do communicate, we can’t respond to every single thing that’s brought up individually.

It’s not that I’m less dedicated to the game or care less about it than you - it’s that I am doing this full time and have to prioritise my work.

We spend a LOT of time interacting and communicating with the community but it’s completely unreasonable to expect us to respond to every single thing that gets said about the game.

I will review this thread when I am done assisting everyone who wrote to support over the weekend.
They’re my number 1 priority as none of our help articles or the forum has been able to help them and they need a dev.

I will not be replying here again once I have followed this up, not because I don’t care, but because I need to also go and look through all the bug report threads and ensure they’re reported as needed.

I actively spend 35+ hours solely trying to help our community and contributing to the betterment of the game every week + then some in my spare time. To suggest that you are more dedicated to the game than any of the devs is quite honestly insulting. Although we do appreciate any contributions you make, this isn’t your full time job.


For what it’s worth: I find you to be the most helpful in my personal observations, way above ‘vaguely’. :relaxed:

The reason why the dedication comparison stands is that many of us have X hours at work too, and families, and second jobs after office hours, and yet spend our time during our non-work hours also interacting in the forums and available to provide feedback to newcomers when we have the answers to their questions.

Dedication goes beyond remuneration.

You’re basically saying dev contributions are less valuable because we’re paid for them despite us spending 35+ hours per week contributing

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Not at all less valuable: just less visible in forums than many player contributors.


Hello @AMT, I am sorry to hear that you feel that way. I feel that all of our developers go above and beyond, because we love the game.

I also hope that you have a healthy work/life balance, as it sounds like you might not.

Also please be aware that there are a lot more players than there are developers.

Please keep this on topic, or you will be found in violation of the community guidelines. Have a lovely day, and I hope you find time to do something you enjoy outside of your work.

PS, please note that my name is Salty.

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It is not the intention at all: it’s just an observation based on forum interactions (and lack thereof when things could really use an interaction).

Just observing who posts during weekends is a good indicator of their dedication to the forums.

And I am referring to some posters in general, not myself in particular :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue::vulcan_salute:

Will do, tx :relaxed::vulcan_salute:


Something worrying: on 11th June I reported 2 translation mistakes (inverted lvl 100 class bonus names betwenn Mechs and Construct and the word “purs” (true) missing in the deep king cast description spell).

The 1st got fixed but not the secong. Which means both got analyzed by the french translator but for this deep king missing word, he saw nothing wrong about that.

So my question: How many more updates will you need to finally understand that The deep king deals TRUE ( T R U E !!! ) Spash damge and not normal splash damage ??? (in French TRUE is called PURS in Gems of war)

Note: There are new players in this game who dont know about this bug, so at least correct this mistake for them.


Piper has wrong german name “Dudelsackspieler” his instrument is a flute not a bagpipe, correct name is “Flötenspieler”.


Same words should be translated the same…

Please change “Arachnaeanischer” into “Arachnäischer” (the second is the correct translation the first is not even a proper german word)


As evidenced throughout these forums, the towel has been thrown long ago with regards to Quality/Consistent Translations & Descriptions… Another recent example:

Lord of Slaughter became ‘Mr. Massacre’: so according to their French ‘translator’, the ‘Lord of the Rings’ would be called the ‘Mister of the Rings’…
:sweat_smile: :man_facepalming: :vulcan_salute:


well, google transalte suggests it would be better as “Seigneur d’Abattage”

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Seigneur is the obvious (accurate) translation for Lord. The ‘Massacre’ part is an acceptable license, since it arguably adds to the ‘coolness’ of the name in French… :relaxed:

…not ‘Mister’ though… :man_facepalming: :stuck_out_tongue: :vulcan_salute:

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The translation for the new mythic is wrong…
In German it means mystic not mythic
correct would be “Neue mythische Einheit”


This is only half the translation…

Daemon Gnome = Dämonengnom
