Improving Gems of War Translations

Is this open call for volunteer translation support still ongoing, @Nimhain? Many of us have expressed our willingness to contribute, but (if memory doesn’t fail) we have been shut down for ‘moral and legal reasons’ ( Devs Why so Lazy? - #53 by Saltypatra )

As a professional Interpreter, Translator, and Proofreader, I am happy to provide voluntary assistance when I come across shortcomings in this game/hobby I so enjoy, but posting things on a forum masterthread to have our input ignored/delayed indefinitely is not necessarily an encouraging approach.

One of my guildmates recently shared a screenshot of his squad in French:

For those of us who speak French, it is painful to see a ‘ç’ followed by an ‘i’, possibly illustrating a shortcoming in the quality of the translator involved. Surely the french GoW community would have mentioned this if given a proper effective channel to do so.

We can also see how King Bloodhammer has been translated as the equivalent of ‘King Hammerglobin’, which even my french speaking guildie admitted is a poor choice, possibly illustrating a translator with limited experience in gaming names (and with the GoW themes in general).

Suboptimal Names and Mistakes can easily be caught by volunteers, even if the info is shared early with us in the forums, if we are allowed to do so effectively, thus reducing the effort and investment required from the devs/publisher.

Still hoping that you allow us to truly help with the text QA, so you can keep focusing on other aspects of the game.

Thanks & with apologies for the insistence, but once I saw that screenshot, I couldn’t help myself.


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