Before @Slypenslyde becomes unavailable for a week, and since his comment in this thread was deleted too, I thought I’d get this out there:
17 days ago, I posted the above apparently-conflicting behaviour of the Maw, and of course assumed it was a Bug given what Kafka said on May 14 ( (Not a Bug) Casting one Great Maw disables my second one - #16 by Kafka ).
A few related comments were shared on the thread, pertaining in part to the fact that this bug was not surprising (going from memory here, so forgive fuzziness).
Then 4 days ago, when Kafka decided to do the fortnightly forum rounds, she decided that from now on she’d be deleting stuff she considered disruptive for the purposes of identifying bugs ( [Investigating] Queen Moonclaw never summons more than 9 Skulls - #10 by Kafka ), by summoning that oft-quoted forum rule about off-topic posts that devs tend to summon when they dislike something (but it’s ok to be off-topic if they like the post, or of course when they are the ones being off-topic, which presumably comes with the rank/power/authority ).
Shortly afterwards, I noticed that every comment in my post about the Maw bug had been deleted, and the post was marked as ‘Not A Bug’. This seemed conflicting, since if it is not a bug, then surely it would not have been necessary to enforce the new “Off-topic posts aren’t permitted in the bug report section and I’ll be enforcing that policy more strictly from now on in an effort to stop this from continuining to happen on bug reports and allow us to address bug reports more efficiently without having to wade through irrelevancy”, as there is no wading through irrelevancy necessary, no wading at all actually, since it is ‘not a bug’. No explanation provided either on how the apparent contradiction in Maw behaviours was considered ‘not a bug’.
During that same spree, that developer proceeded to mark another bug report by @Redi1 as ‘not a bug’ ( [Not a Bug] Bullserker hitting below apparent minimum damage - #8 by Kafka ), with the corresponding explanation of why this was not a bug.
Since I received no explanation, we were facing a possible double standard which, while possibly coincidental, may have had something to do with that dev feeling insulted by an observation made 30 days ago vis-à-vis how some players are more dedicated to forum interactions than the devs ( Translation Errors Masterthread - #68 by Kafka ). That claim has historically been observable by seeing dev activity (or lack thereof) in forums, especially during weekends and after their office hours.
The above interaction resulted in a second dev dropping by and summoning that oft-selectively-quoted forum rule about staying on topic, while taking the opportunity to comment about how balanced my life is through “I also hope that you have a healthy work/life balance, as it sounds like you might not” ( Translation Errors Masterthread - #73 by Saltypatra ).
Given the above combo of factors (devs who selectively pull rank when they dislike facts and are willing to delete our posts), it has become apparent that continuing to try to contribute in the forum is futile, for the environment is too askew, and it will only become increasingly frustrating to try and keep evidencing factual actions/inactions, including:
- lies that infuriate @Grundulum ( Portal Drop Rates - the Why, the How, and the Solution - #74 by Grundulum ),
- to misleading assertions about contentious topics ( Cedric medal… are you crazy? - #36 by Saltypatra ),
- to leaving @Shimrra livid from how they respond to players’ contributions ( Gems of War GUI Pain Points - #39 by Shimrra ),
- to needing a @Mithran to spearhead the community’s effort on data-crunching in an effort to get devs to acknowledge that things are not ‘working as intended’ ( Chaos Portal drop rate displays are incorrect (and the math that shows why, and what to do about it) ),
- to… well… QA ( tried to add links here, but now the internet is full
only to have them potentially pull rank or delete our posts whenever the don’t like the facts.
As such, I am officially becoming a forum lurker (minus a couple of loose ends), wish almost all of you the best, and look forward to keep enjoying the information these forums provide (while wading through the misinformation )
Live Long And Prosper
(with apologies if any of the links provided, or this post itself, get edited/deleted because… well, because they can)