This is why people are worried about GW. Can anyone explain?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen PvP points rewards above the 50’s personally, and even 55-59 is rare.


On what basis you get this amount of points? Once or twice a day?

I think the highest score i got was +57 and that was a long time ago.

It’s from last week i also got video showing i won 161 the other day but i didin’t cheat or exploit anything im a fairplay player

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It all makes sense now why I lost #1 on that first week to you ;).

Lol nice try but it was also last week, sended video and screenshot to dev but they suppose to look for a fix and are very top secret about it

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Well secret is out now Ricky.

Good thing you were very quiet about it. I don’t think very many people saw it.

I haven’t seen anything above 51 in a long, long time. 49 is my usual highest and those are almost always full mythic, fully-traited Wraith / Courage / BD / Famine (or Courage) teams.


Now try to figure how to reproduce it and tell me the secret :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just joking. I know you are a 100% legit player, no need to explain yourself

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uuuugh this makes me so jealous. I wish the devs would add a way where you can control the point-matches you get. Like “don’t give me any matches with less than 160 points”. My last LB push was this:

74,084 / 1,406 = a little over 52 points per match. If I were getting 160 per match, I’d have gotten 224,960 points total … shattering the GoW record by over 200%. Hell, just 75 points per match would have let me break the current record with the same amount of matches :persevere:

I think it is possible.

I am in a rank mid 300s guild so no guild statues bonuses and have 8 kingdoms to 7 stars, one 3, one 4, one 5 and the rest 6.

My attack team is rated 8316 and the highest 3 trophies defence team is rated 9400+. Winning a battle against that gives me 65 skull points. I just pvp against teams that gives me the most glories. My average 25671 / 485 gives about 53 skull points. If i was to only do 3 trophies matches I believe my average would be higher.


When I started my own guild 3 months ago it was fairly common to see pvp battles with 60-70 pts offerred on the 3 trophy choice. Now though, my choices are between 31 and 50 - and on the low side of that range for an average. Some times going through pvp to climb to tier 1 the choices are 15, 23 and 31. And they don’t vary for quite a few matches. Haven’t really paid attention to it enough to give any thoughts about why it’s doing this but I agree . . . . . the pvp points system is broken and we need it fixed so they can make sure the Guild Wars points system doesn’t do the same thing to us.


Can you post the video for us?

Not sure if it’s a good idea, i know nothing in hacking but pretty sure someone could figure how to reproduce it and exploit it :slight_smile:

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This just confirms PvP scoring is in desperate need of examination. BEFORE Guild Wars.

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Why do you think I want to see it :smirk: Can you at least pm me a copy privately?

Lol nice try but there is the screenshot so you know i was not lying :slight_smile:

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Yeah it’s the differential that has me flummoxed. All of his matches would have to have been max and mine minimum (which they weren’t) to have that big of a gap.

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I don’t think anyone thought you were ever lying. Cheating to get +161 points per battle and beat @Strat perhaps… :wink: :slight_smile: :(> :frowning: :open_mouth: I think I need a recount.

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Could be photoshop :spy: Only way to know for sure is to pm me a copy of the video and I’ll publicly verify it’s authenticity for you.

ps- @Rickygervais What level is your character? Are your kingdoms all lvl 10? Are you in a guild that completes all tasks?