My team set-up would have been different if i had picked up mercy so i could have been able to construct tyri’s escort.
Hey, out of our thread! Shoo rat shoo!
Don’t make me get out the traps…
Waiting for your comeback against @Bobomb
Looks like we’ve got a nail-biter folks! Just remember this handy saying went it’s time to vote: Bombs are unpleasant while Studs keep you safe!
plural noun: studs
a large-headed piece of metal that pierces and projects from a surface, especially for decoration.
an upright timber in the wall of a building to which laths and plasterboard are nailed.
Doesn’t sound very safe. Painful, really.
Meh, all are welcome here. Whatever spices things up and keeps bumping us on the list of topics!
What am i supposed to do with this?! I can’t even make a joke about this. A stud is also in referance to a horse i had thought.
Wonder who I should vote for.
Depending on how you look at it I think green seer + giant spider in a vacuum makes a loop with each other.
Can’t comment on use of hydra use or boar rider though.
Bone dragon’s 3rd trait makes me think that if the opponent does skull damage that troop that attacked gets frozen. Priestess is priestess. Wight is meh for purple mana but that life steal might play a good role.
Actually what happens if lets say bone dragon does go off. Doesn’t Hydra instant kill the opponent’s team at that point?
No. Why would it? O.o
Hydra’s 3rd trait is written just like bone dragon’s. That means for every skull match the opponent takes 3 damage for each troop so if bone dragon makes a board of skulls then that means for every match 3-5 the opponent loses 3 health. Therefore multiple skull matches at the same time would lead to a self kill.
Hydra does one 3-damage retaliation every time it loses health, or one per “skullsplosion,” barring cascades.
All enemies take 3 damage when they deal Skull damage. This does not mean hydra has to be hit. Seeing as multiple skulls is still not treated as 1 hit but multiple (unless it was changed) that means that hydra’s trait would kill the opponent’s team. You can see the multi hit when it was combined with great maw devouring the enemy team.
Yes, Hydra has to be hit. Have you played this troop?
Studs are the beams that the walls in your home are made of. Where do you feel safer than in the comfort of your own home?! Only a dastardly villain such as yourself would attempt to disrupt a person’s sanctuary! But, nay, we shall not be ruled by fear!
Yes however in the case of maw, the skulls from bone dragon caused maw to make multiple rolled for devour, meaning that it is a multi-hit of skulls and not a one-hit. So if hydra gets hit with multiple hits of 3 skulls even though at the same time it means that hydras third trait would cast multiple times.
Bone Dragon OP! Hydra puny and weak!
If you bone dragon you might kill yourself.
Except in practice, this is not the case.