Suggestion to show troops in underworld faction menu

I am often looking at what faction troops I would like to summon, and it’s a bit awkward having to keep scrolling down or up in the kingdoms filter. I mean, it’s okay-ish I guess, if it can’t be helped. But if all it takes is linking troops screen from the main filter to the new screen in faction menu, why not? It would make things easier to browse. You can automatically have troops that are not owned grayed out. so no special filter needed.

here’s my suggestion of the new screen:


This makes so much sense. When you use the portal to summon faction troops, if you want to ascend them, or check how close they are to ascend, it takes a lot of menu navigation, whereas having a button like this would make it so much quicker and easier.

Nice idea!

Though, I would rather replace the “Quest” panel entirely with “Faction Info” which includes a list of all Faction Troops. They are wasting quite literally 1/3 of this space on a button that does literally nothing after completing the Faction Questline (compare how, after completing a Kingdom Quest, that button is replaced by “Kingdom Info”).

For that matter, rename it as “Faction Lore” which shows a list of Troops and the Lore description (which is currently relegated to the “?” button in the top-left corner, different from nearly every other menu where it fetches relevant info from an external browser page). “Faction Info” can be named “Faction Renown” or something to help avoid conflating the two.


I constantly find myself doing the same. Good idea.

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