Star Wars Trivia!

It pulled the first 6 episodes together in a way that really redeemed the first 2 episodes and recast 4 through 6 as the story of Anakin/Vader.


The most egregious of all his transgressions if I do say so myselfā€¦
The victory being shared by the primitive indigenous Ewoks felt SOOOO RIGHT to be supported by their primitive celebratory music.

The change was just wrong, completely, utterly wrongā€¦



Itā€™s hard to choose just one, but it definitely makes the top 2 for me. I havenā€™t heard the original music in many years, but I can still hear it as clear as day in my mind. The new music? No idea how it goes.


I will definitely agree that it was the strongest of the prequels and yes it did help make the first 2 not seem like such a waste, but still with so many other episodes and only 3 votes, I am surprised it got one of your 3 votes.

Although, if you base it on its importance then its redemption factor for the prequels and its connectivity to the originals certainly justifies the vote. :wink:

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Rogue One might have bumped it for overall quality. Heck, the scene with Vader storming the Blockade Runner might have justified the vote on its own. I can see an argument for RotJ but nothing else is even close, in my mind.

Dare I confess I havenā€™t seen The Last Jedi yet?

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For those of you who canā€™t ā€œhearā€ it anymore!

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It is truly worth seeing!
IMHO, of courseā€¦

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Seriously, I hated Revenge of Sith with the flame of 1,000 suns. Iā€™ll never forgive them for transforming Padme from a strong, intelligent character into a weepy, naive one.


Weepy seemed somewhat justified based on the context. Naive, I didnā€™t really see. I thought Natalie Portmanā€™s acting in Episode III was way above what she did in I and II. One of my favorite performances of herā€™s.

I respect your opinion though. Iā€™ll try to catch Last Jedi this week before it leaves theatres around here.

I agree that it was Portmanā€™s best performance in the series. She did the best she could do with a horrible plot.

Anywho, Iā€™m sure you will enjoy Last jedi. :smiley:


Iā€™m glad to hear that you are going to catch Last Jedi @Stan!
You wont be dissapointedā€¦ but speaking of disappointingā€¦

How about putting Hayden Christensen in as Anakinā€™s ghost at the end of Jedi!!! OMG!? WTF!?

That may be the most egregious of the editsā€¦ now that I think about itā€¦ And yes, I would even put that before Greedo shooting firstā€¦

I can somewhat understand the logic of that one. I mean, wouldnā€™t have been my choice, but I can see reducing the number of actors appearing in that role.

This I canā€™t understand: How could Greedo miss from that range? Heā€™s a professional bounty hunter, not a stormtrooper!

That bothered me but for a different reason. In the Clone Wars show, you learn that ā€œconqueringā€ death like that wasnā€™t the norm even for Jedi. As far as I know, Qui Gon Jinn was the first. How in the world did Vader make that leap when he spent the majority of his life knee deep in the dark side??

Anyway, I assume they put Hayden in the spot to symbolize that ā€œAnakinā€ (pre-Vader) was the good soul that moved on to a peaceful afterlife.

He missed because Han had already shot him under the table! I saw the movie in 77 and now amount of retroactive post processing FX will change that :grin:


I mean in Lucasā€™ revised history. Professional bounty hunter takes a shot from 3 feet away and somehow misses high and left, then Han shoots him under the table? Come onā€¦

Well, its well known that George Lucas hate the guy that played Darth Vader because in one interview he kinda revelaled that Darth Vader was the father of Luke, so after that GL black listed him.

EDIT: Sorry, he revealed that Darth Vader died in RotJ.

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Yeah, There is a documentary on Netflix with that original actor that played Vader. He claimed he didnā€™t do it. However with Lucasā€™s money, and entertainment connections, Iā€™m sure they found the source of the leak (that Actor).

@Stan he may be upset, but honestly, the voice of James Earl Jones was fantasticā€¦ I can even imagine him breathing inside a plastic bucket :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Watch from 00:35 :stuck_out_tongue:


That joke was soā€¦ forced.

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