(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

No way to tell until it goes live and we all have a chance to play with it. I suspect that the new class, if it goes out as currently written, will make deathmark annoyingly commonplace. I personally dislike instant-death mechanics and feel that they’re in broad overuse in the game today, so this certainly isn’t going to help.


its call an allicorn! :slight_smile: geeze dont you watch my little pony? muhahahaha


Brony! I am no better.

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I wish I could, but I have to try to get every epic to mythic whenever they are available for Glory. The pain of getting a specific epic through chest is huge…

+1 to this!


Personally I think DeathMark should be adjusted where it gives you a one turn grace period to be able to do something about the condition. The old version (3 turn I think?) was too weak but the instantly applied buff is too strong.


One turn for cleanse sounds very reasonable :slight_smile:

It was 2-turns… Maybe one turn could be the better solution.

Devour and DeathMark are very powerful and so are very difficult to balance. Just look at Maw’s old 3rd trait which was “10% Devour a troop on skull damage” and there was so much people complaining. Now there is Kruarg with “5% Devour a troop on skull damage” and… nobody care about him.

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What is next week’s event kingdom? Somebody, anybody.

Nvm I’ve been helped by people in my guild, and global. I forgive you all.





The old version was seen as too weak and it did have a 1 turn grace period.

It had a 2-turn grace period, and that was too weak.

Why you do dis?

I’m glad things have returned to normal with Killerman. All is right in the forums. #spoilernotspoiler

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It was actually 15% previously. So about 1 in 6-7 skull matches. (Which Bone Dragon easily over does.)

5% is about 1 in 20 skull matches. Far more manageable, but also far less reliable. Good thing it’s just a bonus and not the only thing Kruarg has going for it.

any news about 2.2 update?

Bringing this back to the front.


More specifically, for this week:

Edit: beaten to the punch by the official news. Ah well, leaving this here anyway.

Epic Darkstone Undead-Mystic
Hag’s Curse (13 Blue/Purple)
Either: Halve an enemy’s Attack, OR Halve an enemy’s Magic, OR Transform an enemy into a level 12 Giant Toad. [2:1]
(Mystic Bond, Cursed, Warded)
MAX Attack:17 Life:36 Armor:8 Magic:0
Suffering is one of life’s greatest teachers.

Common Darkstone Beast
Tongue Lashing (9 Green)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to an enemy and pull them to the front.
(Beast Bond, Big, Regeneration)
MAX Attack:14 Life:31 Armor:7 Magic:7
He’s ready for a wild ride.

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i prefer high elves then the winged/horned horses

in what world do you assume ppl (of this game overall age range) should/are watching it :confused:

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Why not both? An high elf prince/general on a pegasus-unicorn.
Can the Manticore of Khorvash can be considered as an Unicorn? :slight_smile: