(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

5 pm in Australia is 11pm (-1 day) on the west coast of the USA, isn’t it? So if you live in LA it will still be Thursday when the new kingdom comes out.

In other words, hope, but don’t bet, on anything in the next few hours.

Edit: bah, sniped by a dev after midnight her time. Go to bed, Nimhain!


It’s safe to assume if it the same time as prior releases then the new kingdom will be out 3am EST

Just to make it clear, there won’t be an event changover with the release with the new Kingdom, or? I think the Pirate Kingdom will have event from Monday on.

usually new kingdoms were always on Monday, but if devs said its Friday so be it

You wanted the new Kingdom to be released on Monday, and not Friday?

where I said that?

I thought you meant that. Totally misunderstood your sentence.


From what I remember, that is actually incorrect. The new kingdoms (for at least quite a while now) were always middle of the reset (thursday/friday, or only friday - not sure). At some point I asked why, and it’s because there’s no point mixing releasing a new event with a kingdom release, in case of bugs.


I thought you guys had a different time scale. Some people’s friday personally is other people’s tuesday. Also dokkalfar?

yep,i’ve double checked, damn alzheimer…
thanks for the correction!

I guess the real question here is “Will there be a small time frame that allows Glory/Gem keys to pull troops from the new kingdom while still sniping for Gard’s Avatar?”. :pray:

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Magic 8 ball says no. Gold Chest counter is counting to 2am eastern, which coincides exactly with when Gard’s exclusivity expires.

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Which is probably why its at that time.

does anyone know what traitstones will be in the rewards next week?

My notes say Green/Red and Red/Purple

edit: Fixed colors


That is correct.

That’s all? not a single extra detail to share, such as which kingdom, or maybe troop rarity?

I’m going to go on such the Arcane Dark buying streak! Haven’t had those hit the Glory store in a long time.

Ask a question, get an answer. :slight_smile: And actually, I stand corrected, the colors of one troop are wrong.

Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Wargare-Rogue
Cunning Trick (12 Green/Red)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to an enemy. Deal double damage if they use Green Mana. Halve their Attack. [2:1]
(Fast, Stealthy, Agile)
MAX Attack:18 Life:29 Armor:11 Magic:8
Not a single fox was given…

Ultra-Rare Maugrim Woods Daemon-Beast
Howl for Blood (12 Red/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 1] damage to an enemy, boosted by Souls collected. Gain 10 Souls. [3:1]
(Beast Bond, Daemon Bond, Pack Master)
MAX Attack:19 Life:26 Armor:8 Magic:9
Who’s afraid of the big bad warg?