(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

anyone know when the troop with this trait comes out?im excited :grin:

Deathly Aura : Death Mark a random enemy on 4 or 5 Gem matches.


@Lyya Thanks.

@en9nhcet what do you mean when? It’s not now? I want it NOW!

Thank you!

Are we also getting a new legendary for Maugrim Woods next week?

I believe the Legendary is the one that uses Arcane Lights if previous info holds.

Yes, we are.

That’s a Legendary trait for one of the new Hero classes coming.


thanks! any information available regarding the legendary?

It’s been previously spoiled, but here it is again:

Legendary Maugrim Woods Divine-Beast
Nature’s Ally (14 Green/Yellow)
Transform Purple Gems to Skulls and transform Brown Gems to Green. Ally beasts gain Barrier.
(Beast Bond, Invigorated, Lord of Beasts)
MAX Attack:18 Life:38 Armor:8 Magic:0
He is the life of the Stag Party!

Lord of Beasts: All Beasts start battle with 50% Mana.


What is this?

Explode a gem. Deal {1} trample damage, boosted by Blue Gems destroyed

What is trample damage? It sounds to me like damage to all enemies, or damage randomly split, but then it wouldn’t have a different name would it? It’s not to an enemy or to all enemies, and it appears nowhere else.

Ahh, that is why I was thinking Green Yellow

If Trample is anything like Magic: the Gathering, the idea would be that any overkill damage done to a troop would spill over to the next troop.


It looks like Warg has a 25% chance to [technically] resurrect? So much for Infernal King’s ‘unique legendary’ trait.

I think cards like Wayfinder that are a hard counter to a very specific comp are really cool.

It surprised me as well. Is this the first non-Legendary (aside from Guardians) that has a unique third trait?

To be fair, TDS already has made Infernal King’s non-unique :stuck_out_tongue:

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At least for TDS they had an excuse. Adding another one just makes it worse, and wording it differently doesn’t make it any better.

As for being a unique trait, who knows? maybe they are planning to have other troops summon Warg on death in the future.

Maybe so. Seems oddly specific for this particular troop, but we do have other summoning traits (like Daemonic Pact) that are not unique.

On the other hand, there are already other summoning traits that are currently on one troop (such as Spawn on Dragon Eggs), so you can’s exactly say it’s the first non-legendary with a unique trait.

Supposedly, even when only one troop has a trait, it’s not enough to regard it as ‘unique’. The deal with legendary third traits is not that there is no other troop with the same trait currently, it’s that there should never be one, which is exactly why neither this trait or the TDS one are called “Immortal”, even though they technically do the same thing.

TDS wasn’t intended either. It was a quick fix because of the problems with Possession.

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warg puts the warg in wargare. (bad joke aside) Thank you for the info and heads up.

That trait looks awfully powerful… I don’t wanna have it without getting a “cleanse random ally on 4 or 5 gem matches” to go with it xD

In fact that cleanse is long overdue imho xD