(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

So what part of “you are doing it on purpose” was wrong?


Half and half. In the beginning i was doing it on purpose due to a bug that occurred with the ai when you reach level 200 with level 10 kingdoms. This bug has been squashed since the combat update launched even though i doubt it was on purpose. Basicly i was slow leveling for the purpose of safety, however since the combat update i have not been doing it on purpose however i have spent a great deal of time working on troops and guild. Normally i can get (if no one else contributes immediately after the reset) enough gold to get all tasks to level 4 or level 5, and amass enough glory to get the event troops. During the imp event i spent 2500 glory to get the purple stones, most of the gold i made went into getting gold chests for the 20-60 glory for the 15k in gold i spent. I am not holding back, i am having fun my way and i am not doing it for attention.

You are saying it at least once every week, what do you mean by “I am not doing it for attention”?
I have no horsemans. I say that every opportunity i have. I am doing it for attention. I want people to know how unlucky I am. When you say something you say it so others could hear it (or read it when talking about forums).
So please don’t say you are not doing it for attention when everyone see you are saying that every single time.


That is recall bias. I do not say it every week, just you remember seeing it and attribute it to me saying it every week or very often. I rarely say it unless it is to make a point.

4 days ago you said you don’t have any level 10 kingdoms. 3 days ago you said you just got first to level 10, and that’s it’s whitehelm. You did it 3 times already this week. Dafuq do you talk about bias? Bias would be if it had any direct impact on me, it doesn’t.

You implied that i do it every week, so your recall bias is on me doing it every week at a minimum of a few times each week. Look back further and the only thing i talk about weekly is my S&M team, which very few can even build because one of the components in it is not accessible to players due in part to it being a glory weapon.

As seen I didn’t imply anything, I said you do it once every week. At least. You did it 3 times this week. I don’t care to search your history really, most of your comments make no sense anyway. I only give it a look a moment ago to prove you that I was not biased, just showing what everyone could notice. But I’ll shall stop this discussion here because it’s not a place for it. I shall not replay to any of your further comments.

Yes, my children, your hatred feeds me.




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How do you “slow level” anyway?

You get XP in this game for pretty much everything you do, it’s impossible NOT to level. If you’re deliberately holding back resources like Glory and Souls, you’re actually doing the OPPOSITE - you’re leveling via XP without any of the commensurate resources. Thus making yourself much weaker than other people your level.

PVP is going to be a real bitch soon if you’re not careful.


1 game, get 5 maps from tyri, (20 now), use maps does not gain you xp. This makes it so you do not level quickly but still gets you souls, gold, and glory. Get really good at maps and you get gems and trait stones. By not playing battles which is where the xp comes from you can probably get every troop maxxed out for its rarity before level 200, however i doubt anyone would like to try. Again this was to avoid a bug before the combat update. Also because pvp after the combat update is based on BP, you can manipulate pvp to be easier for your level. I lead a thread that was used to find the inner workings of BP. Is it battle points, or team power, we did team power.

I’m always amazed by the reactions towards @killerman3333’s comments. They bring a smile to my face while I keeping asking myself: Why can’t they just accept it, that he makes the game himself harder? Surely it’s something quite strange to have someone limiting himself in such a way, but it’s his choice he can do what he wants.

Don’t have a problem with it, just don’t understand it.

  1. The game is already incredibly easy.
  2. The game is all but endless.
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Can we just stick to spoilers and the discussion thereof and cut it out with all this off topic crap?


I also don’t understand how and why he slows down leveling (whether that’s possible or not is another question) but limiting my playstyle in some ways is something I’ve done in a couple of games.

For example Warframe: I recently sold my best weapons there and replaced my entire loadout with rather inefficient “headcanon” builds (what that particular character would use lore-wise).

In Gems of War I change by farming team daily for more fun and diversity. Most teams have no soul generators, so leveling is quite slow ATM.

Fun fact: @killerman3333 made me create a Dokkalfar dark elf team, which i even named after him :laughing:. Maybe I’m liking him a bit too much for my sake.

It’s the main reason which I make it harder for me by creating my own challenges. Tacet’s gold chest challenges inspired me to this.

EDIT: Sorry for derailing this thread.

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The bug was about when you get you have at least 1 level 10 kingdom, and reach level 200 the ai wigs out and becomes incredibly hard to beat, however this happened before the combat update which somehow fixed the bug. This was before the whole ai cheats thing happened. Do i still slow myself down, no. Also on another note my other account hit this bug and made me turn to cheating and that account is long since defunct. I already explained the how part, i beleive pretty clearly, this is the part about the why. It is like being in a race and slowing down because everyone in front of you wrecked so you can navigate through it and take the lead, that was why i did not have a level 10 kingdom until this week.

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The frequency in thread derailing has been going up a lot lately. Just know I won’t be standing for it here.
I’m not mad, just slightly upset with how often this has been happening as of late.

Don’t apologize to me, at least not by making another topic-unrelated comment. If you’re sorry, I’m grateful, just don’t make another comment expressing your sorry. Feel free to edit your post with a cliff note if you feel so inclined. (Like CSZ did.)

Again, I’m not mad. I won’t think differently of you whether you apologize or not. I’m not asking you to edit or delete your off-topic comments either. Just don’t continue the conversation here and we’ll be right as rain! :ok_hand::umbrella:

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Do we have already have a few new images in the files for the spells of the Pirate Kingdom? We got a few last time Dragon’s Claw was about to be released… Anything @Lyya ? And thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Theres a whole thread with every detail (spells traits stats and pictures) of the new kingdoms troops. :wink:
Here you go mate [SPOILERS] NEW Kingdom (11.11)

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Thanks, but i was looking for the spell’s pictures and thought it would be nice to not mix so many images on the other thread.

[Click images for full size]

___ Swab the Deck _________ Yarr! ____________ Broadside _____

__ Anchors Aweigh ______ Hook Me Up ________ Depths Below ____

_____ Plunder ___________ Surprise! ______