(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

I was convinced it was just some weird joke I didn’t get. Good to hear :sweat_smile:.

No comment on the next mythic? It just got its traits, and they’re pathetic. Baphomet is Mythic quality while most of this year’s mythic are outdone by the good Legendaries.

Flame of Anu has its damage boosted by “Burning AND Faerie Fired enemies” (x5), but if it ends up being like the latest Dark Elf legendary, which has its Lethal chance boosted by troops that have to be BOTH Cursed and Webbed, then that damage boost is far less spectacular.
(Edit: it’s less that the damage is bad, but that it’s either really low, or just pretty good. With no boost it’ll do roughly 30 to two enemies (assuming 16 bonus magic from kingdoms/team bonus), but if you somehow get the whole team burning, it’ll hit for 75 to two enemies. But this gets less effective as you kill enemies, unlike Tina, Pan, or the few troops that hit 6 times)

Also, all four Manticore troops so far have Mana Drain, so why does this mythic skip that theme? Really disappointed with this mythic, just another troop that I’ll be in zero rush to obtain

Oooooooh! Salty confirmed on stream Ghost Queen will be on the adventure board on Halloween, as well as in chests starting same day :smiley:


already did:

the legendary is actually bugged:

The Curse is tracking on your troops for boost ratio instead of the opponents.

When working properly, it should be like King Bloodwood instead.


As for the damage, its better to think of it like this:

It can do up to:

((Magic + 14) + (up to 40 damage (5 per burn, 5 per faerie fire))) x 1.5 (from faerie fire)

Normally Faerie Fire wouldn’t be counted into potential damage, but this troop makes its own Faerie Fire.

It can do good damage with the right setup and gives Faerie Fire so others can also do good damage too.

For me, that’s about 120ish damage to 2 enemies for about 240 damage. That’s pretty big damage potential as is. Not really looking for super power creep, when that already seems high.

I’m ok with troops where you have to put a bit of effort to get big damage. Seems more fair than troops that are instant win buttons.

As for the Manticore thing, that’s a good point.

I imagine that’s just poorly implemented text and that 1:1 is barriers per cursed enemies; we don’t actually know what the damage boost is. Nothing we haven’t seen before, unfortunately.


Trait #3: Haunted Crown
Gain 50% Mana to all Undead Allies when battle begins.

No wonder they can’t translate into other languages properly, they can’t even use proper English.

Undead allies gain 50% mana when the battle begins.


That extra 12 magic or extra turn… hmmm…

So either summon Kobold and gain extra turn, or summon 2 Kobolds… A bit weird

Ah, missed that post somehow. Good to know Matron is just bugged, that makes Flames damage more promising. Still not super exciting, but I suppose it’ll pair amazing with Baphomet to boost his damage

Herald of Damnation has the flavor text “Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.”

Its probably a metaphor for Empowered…


minor spoilers:

1.Gain 50% Mana to all Undead Allies when battle begins.

changed to

Give 50% Mana to all Undead Allies when battle begins.

That’s… nice… but that’s also not the problem here. Give 50% mana is not the common phrasing for these 50% mana troops, which only Captain Macaw has this phrasing. It’d be nice if we can just get one type of terminology for these 50% mana troops.

  1. Pan
    Troop Type: Wargare, Beast
    Troop Type: Wildfolk, Beast

so… there’s that

  1. Flame of Anu
    Troop Type: Divine, Beast

Not a real surprise… Anu and Divine Ishbaala/Forest Guardian share the yellow color.

  1. Looks like Labyrinth/Wild Plains is being worked on next. When released, Wild Plains will reach KP 21.

Warning: KP 20 requires people to Fully upgrade 8 {Kingdom} weapons. There’s only 10 Wild Plains weapons currently, one of which is the Doomed Maul, one is a paid weapon (Bullroarer), and one is the epic weapon which we havent had a Wild Plains event yet (Staff of the Wild).

The faction weapon should count and there is a Wild Plains weapon coming Friday, November 6th so most people should be ok…

  1. |108|[WARCOIN]||War Coin|
    | — | — | — | — |
    |109|[WARCOIN_GAINED]||%1 War Coin|
    |110|[WARCOINS]||War Coins|
    |111|[WARCOINS_GAINED]||%1 War Coins|
9 [ADVENTURE_BOARD_214] Battle for WarCoins I
10 [ADVENTURE_BOARD_316] Battle for WarCoins II

more ?s to be had


Sigh. Just saw that Flame of Anu is a Divine Beast instead of Divine Monster like all the other Manticores. My dreams of a decent all Manticores team with Dervish cranking their stats is dashed.

As is, this troop needs a different picture, and then get placed in Bright Forest. Make a proper Mythic Manticore! An impervious monster with Mana Drain! And maybe triple skull damage vs stunned enemies!


After The Labyrinth the next faction possibly will be Duergaroth (Karakoth): this suggestion is based on a weapon presented in the list, “Duergaroth weapon”.


Hello people. When we go to the new Arena, could play that song, don’t you think? It is clearly the theme song for this mini event. :joy_cat: Honestly, it still hurts me to think of an in game event without the hero. Definitely, I will NEVER play in an Arena in Gems again, unless they reconsider the hero’s presence on the team one day. :kiss:

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Interesting to consider that Emperinazar will almost certainly have Emperina as the NPC going with the player. To a place they evidently worship her or something. Possibilities …


She and Luther died (apparently) in the last bit of the story around the Possessed King. So the creative portion of the devs who work on the lore could explore mny interesting things like:

    1. Emperina is not present, but the hero and whatever NPC going with him would be surprised to find this cult.
  • 1.1. Maybe a clue about Emperina still being alive despite what is believed by the player and the world. Maybe something like the Kobolds having a sacred crystal that is tied to Emperina’s vital force. So if the crystal is still active she is alive.
    1. Emperina is alive and living with the kobolds, she somehow survived the sacrifice she and Luther did in the end. But maybe she lost her memory and the Kobolds have been taking care of her.
  • 2.1. If Emperina is alive maybe Luther is too. But where and when he could appear is up to anyone’s guess.
    1. We are wrong and this faction will have a very poor lore, or one that makes no sense, because there is no time to care for such things anymore! Push more bland and uninteresting troops and weapons, never fix bugs! Copy+paste events models!

Gotta wait and see…

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Questline already available on GOWdb.


Looks like Emperina is there for no good reason apparently. The character picture is not loading for me but the Kobolds seem to have a really strong reaction to her, but the last piece of dialogue:

Emperinazara: Oh Great Emperina! EAT ME!!!

There are at least two Above PG-13 ways to interpret this…

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I mean … they could just be crazily suicidal? *shrug*

Emperina didn’t die, it was Dimetraxia.