(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

After hours of hard work, my new spoiler finally came to fruition!thanks for tarans help.



Not that what I say will change anything… I wish they’d change the 3rd trait of Gargantaur to something completely different. Pharos-Ra already does the gigantic damage in one cast thing better with less hoops.

But what if Gargantaur “fell” on something when it died. Like: Trait 3: Deal (Attack + Magic) damage boosted by number of dead allies/enemies to a random enemy when I die.

Would make an interesting twist and really hammer home the late-game threat.

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Troop type on the Invulnerable guy is “RAID” and he has no kingdom. This might not be a player-obtainable troop. :neutral_face:

Question for everyone, here.

Has there ever been a week where only a common troop was released?

Isn’t there always at least second troop involved when a common is released (just like this week)?

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RaidBoss which has an Invulnerable trait has been renamed to Zuul’Goth.

His favorite band is Fleetwood Mac.

This is my new favorite flavor text, because it’s a little bit subtle at first then really funny a moment later. +3 I-Like-You Points to whoever came up with that one.

Now I want a Mammoth King unit with the flavor text “Why don’t you ask him who’s the latest on his throne?”.

Yes, according to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hvL6AijrIk4B2HHAh0A9yh3J7jVHlN2DV54fINvRkV8/edit#gid=1061949605
there has never been a single common troop released on a weekly event.

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I didn’t get the pun. Wikipedia says they have an album named Tusk. Is that it?

There is no Gems of War. There is only Zuul.

So… the raid boss is either a demon dog or a giant puffed marshmallow demon :yum:

Looking at GoW Spoilers it looks like to me just guessing tho that since there is a 12 day gap in releases that next week will be the new Land. crosses fingers

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If they are working towards a better distribution and variety of immunities AND if they take away some immunities from Impervious things will start to become interesting.

Like: Impervious makes a troop immune to negative stats, but not insta-kill mechanics and Mana Burn anymore, Invulnerable protects from insta-kill mechanics and Stun and Mana Drain are a little bonus to add some more value.

This way both Traits retain a great value, but aren’t (mostly) flawless as Impervious is right now.

I feel like the Vault/Raid troops may be available at some point. Otherwise, something like the third trait of Cedric Sparklesack (Excellent name, btw) has no use.

You can also look here: http://gowdb.com/extras/timeline


Salty said last night on the twitch stream that they were trying to get the kingdom done for next week, but they didn’t know if they would be able to or not. She would not give a firm release date.

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I’ve been using the spoiler thread and the GOW event spreadsheet to plan my arcane farming for months now and it is amazing how unclear the next few weeks are based on the game files. Prior to this month, upcoming troop releases were pretty-much locked down a couple months in advance.

I think the ability to hot-fix the troops to console has really given them a lot more freedom to make adjustments at the last minute, whereas before, they would have had to have things locked down so they could put them into the console updates in a form that was not likely to change significantly. I hope what we’re seeing isn’t a reflection of an erosion of discipline around planning and troop design.


I don’t think so. I think it has more to do with the versatility that they now have with troop adjustments.

Is anyone planning to skip this gargantaur fella?

Me, I am still broke from my not-getting-but-trying of Skadi and I want Voice of Orpheus REALLY badly, so Gargantaur will not get me to spend a single key of any kind.

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As it is right now is like a legendary with 14 mana costthat you never use. Good and gud style. Some will say he is a cleaner troop but War is a better cleaner.

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Agreed. Of course you can use him with Elspeth and boost the damage but why? He only hits one troop. As a new ketras owner i think I’ll set myself a budget for completion purposes and stick to it. He’s not great from what I’ve seen.