Spend Glory on Souls before 1.0.8?

That is correct

On Topic…
The patch-video indicates glory will be a lot easier to accrue post 1.08. Logically then it follows that the cost of glory per soul/map/weapon/troop would likely increase. So @Fisch has a valid point.

However, until it is clear how many copies of an Epic Troop one requires to fully ascend/sacrifice…then @MarvelKit is right that you’re going to want to buy a lot of copies of The Anointed One in about 36hrs time. My stats show that Epic Troops are ~5 times more likely to be revealed compared to a Legendary. If they keep this ratio, then you’re probably going to need 20 - 25 of them to get an Epic to Mythic.

@MarvelKit & @DonBoba…I bought 5 Winter Imps…but you need 6 to make it Mythic (as you must burn 5 and be left with one).

Sirrian said its always 5 to upgrade from your base rarity. If its also always 10 to upgrade the next level (as shown on Goblins) then Epic → Mythic will only need 15 (which is still a lot). Of course, that amount might be different for other rarities, I just doubt it.