Servers are experiencing degraded performance - shy icon

steam up2date, 7.2.0r54488 up2date, w10pro up2date:

goodly servirs

What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
Expected the icon not to be as shy and not hiding behind the new UI.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
I suspect whenever the gow servers function very well.

Steps to make it happen again
f.e. release a mythic after daily reset.

I didn’t find this posted elsewhere yet or simply overlooked it if it has been.


It’s in this thread.


Ah. Wasn’t sure anymore and topic wasn’t precise enough for me to find out about.
Apparently nothing fruitful resulted out of the initial report yet.

I guess the topic can be merged and closed with the other one. and maybe the team can be reminded again, h3h3. :wink:

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