Rewards needs some rework i think

I agree with you indeed about the importance of random rewards.
That’s why I don’t think they should guarantee Orbs.
But I do believe there needs to be a NEW type of reward. Even a cosmetic one.

Heck, I would settle for a Gumball Machine that you put an orb in and pull a random Shiny troop.
I just want to get « something » in the end, instead of a « better luck next time »

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I agree “a rework” is probably needed. I think the devs need to give us some things they don’t want to give us, but this is the problem I see:

When I started the game, there was a really clear path to endgame. The rewards were easy to understand: gold was for kingdom leveling/tasks, souls were for leveling troops, gems were for getting more rewards out of chests/events, traitstones were for powering up troops, and powered-up troops were for kingdom power. Since this was a really obvious progression, I was confident that given time I’d reach endgame.

Now it’s confusing. On top of all of those rewards, a newbie has to consider:

  • Class XP for talent trees.
  • Maintaining a collection of highly-ascended Bounty troops.
  • Keeping 300-500 gems around for a decent Raid/Invasion investment.
  • Diamonds for soulforge crafting.
  • Ingots for weapon upgrades.
  • Chaos shards for obtaining treasures.
  • Treasures for leveling hoards.
  • Ascending faction troops when possible.
  • Attempting to maintain a collection of orbs for achieving the above goals.
  • Keeping up with pet rescues that can happen at any time of the day.
  • Kingdom power that requires you to spend gems, souls, ingots, and likely orbs because you need troops, traits, leveled troops, weapons, and upgraded weapons to proceed.
  • Probably something new related to Towers of Doom.

If I tried to chart out, “What is endgame?” today, I think year-ago me would’ve said "You know what? I’ll go back to Pokemon Shuffle. The amount of effort it takes to keep pace with the competitive game is creeping upwards. I believe that means a relatively casual player has crept from “can catch up” to “will fall behind”. That’s bad, IMO.

In short:

We obsoleted a lot of rewards by introducing tons of more relevant endgame rewards. That means it’s worth dramatically increasing the rate of obtaining the obsolete rewards so newbies believe they can reach endgame. That means reworking a lot of old mechanisms like LTs that assume outdated economic models.

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I honestly don’t like, because my experience with Seals and guild chests are alway terrible…

Yes, it’s a biased view of things. And Noob already pointed the main value of such orbs, but he forgot one: As we are all limited to 1500 seals each week it’s possible to go beyond that with orbs, something useful to hit 40K even if your guild lost members or if people are away from the game for vacation or holidays with family.

I still don’t like them very much…

Venar, if you would accept a piece of advice: Talk with your guildies to make an effort to hit 40K seals during the exclusive week of a new Mythic. This way everyone gets a decent shot with extra attempts using the accumulated Seals, it’s a good compromise and not much of a burden since it happens once each month.

Maybe it’s sort of late for this week, but it’s possible to still attempt it nex week and if your guild use the Orbs of Clans it’s pretty doable. I hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m equally disappointed by seeing any orb other than ascension at this point.


I do die for ascension orbs. But I am very thankful to get any Clan orbs, as the highest chance is to getting another Growth or Wisdom orb. Wisdom wouldn’t have been so bad if I was out of arcane traitstones tho, but that is not the case.

That is only the past luck you have with them, and does not define your future luck with them. I am sure it change fast if you get some nice pulls using Seals. Level 6 Guild chest is still one of the best chests of pulling a Mythic.

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Scope creep is a thing.

I used to recommend this game to people. I have since changed my statement to “its fun but the learning curve is insane, don’t try it”.

That was about 2-3 years ago. I wouldn’t even know what to say now.

(Admittedly the people asking me about games aren’t really in the hard-core gamer mindset with oodles of time either, but still.)

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I always called it « candy crush for smart people »
And I agree it can be complicated.
Or not, since basically a player does what he wants, I mean, you could decide to only do Arenas.
I’m definitely not an advocate to add more complications.
But just asking the devs to consider that once you are a veteran, there is very little rewards worth the effort.

I still think the solution would be to go with Cosmetic changes.

Here is an exemple.
A Mythic was released. I spent a lot of keys on it. I didn’t get it. As an end-gamer, I pretty much got nothing except souls since I have all the other troops.

Now, I could burn my gems and buy more to try again.

Instead… I went and bought the Dwarf Avatar. With money. Because I am leveling my Runepriest, I have a very fun Dwarf team, and I felt like it.

Now, the same $$ value would have gotten me a gem amount that would have allowed me to open an amount of chest equivalent to 3% of what I already used.

So, with the choice of: pay money to get another shot at the Mythic (for 3% extra chance to what I tried already) or buying a new Avatar, I picked the Avatar!!!
Why? Because I am at least sure to get what I paid for.

So yes, devs, please, consider esthetic prizes. It’s better than nothing!

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I totally feel your pain… Now this sucks!

So I guess the 500 gems for the Doom Weapon is my fault.
I’m sorry guys :confused: