Revert the Task System

I don’t really track that closely and don’t really trust the guild roster numbers. I feel like I probably average 50-75k gold per week. I’m really not sure about trophies, but it’s probably more than I realize. Both are probably higher now than the last time I seriously looked at the guild recruitment thread.

Assuming you are earning that gold through pvp then it sounds like you wont have much trouble finding a better guild

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One week isn’t enough data to make a serious adjustment against, much lest plan a response! Let’s check back in at the end of the month.


That seems reasonable, I look forward to the findings.

I’ll keep a closer eye on my results for the next little while and then maybe see if I can pimp myself out in the guild category. I’m going out of town for a few days next week and don’t want to jump into a new guild only to not log in for the better part of a week.

I find it interesting that the majority of people on these boards seem to agree that, prior to the last update, there was much more to be gained from the guilds than from repeatedly doing tasks. I, for one, haven’t found this to be the case at all.

I’ve been in a top 15 guild on the Xbox One for a while now (and the guild does have mostly active players) but I would say on average we only get about 12 keys and 10 gems a day. Sometimes we might get double this, but there are times we don’t get any at all. On the other hand, by doing the tasks I raked up quite the haul. Glory, glory keys, and gem keys were much more obtainable. And since I was earning it all myself, through lots of play, I definitely wouldn’t say it was an abuse of the system.

It’s possible that my guild is just not very generous with actually donating their gold (I know I could be more charity-minded myself), but I wouldn’t think it would be that much different than most higher-level guilds, with maybe the exception of the top 4 or so. Anyway, I just get a little offended when people seem to suggest that finding a “gem factory” guild is easy. I don’t think there’s that many of them, especially with open slots. That’s why the new task system is especially painful, because as someone who doesn’t really like to play PvP that much, there’s just not a comparable way of making up those lost resources (yes, you can do Maps, but you could do Maps previously and get the generous task rewards from doing the Maps as well).

Still think the whole team lag fix, by itself, made the update totally worth it. Major kudos to whoever was responsible for fixing that! But the tasks are admittedly a letdown.

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MO our guild is a little slower now but we have been slow since WP kingdom was released. I wouldn’t normally notice but the last 6weeks I have wrote down what the guild earns from Wed-Tues

Let’s ignore the data for a moment and ponder just the basic question:

Is 5 gems worth 20 battles using a (generally) suboptimal team?

I don’t know about anyone else but unless you’re only doing 1-star challenges, a single battle including screens and load times is about 4-5 minutes. Optimistically, you can complete 20 battles in a little over an hour.

So is an hour of your time playing in a way you’d rather not worth 5 gems? Even if you luck out and get to stack another (e.g. mana and kingdom) challenge, is 10 gems worth your hour playing?

I would posit no, it is not. 10 Gems doesn’t buy shit and to the person who said gems buys souls… if you are buying souls with your gems, I don’t know what to tell you, but you’re wasting your damned time. The gem->souls or gold conversion is laughably bad. But these dev’s will likely take that as a signal to nerf other rewards instead of buff these ones.

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Even for those players whose hero are ranked 750+ ? Why not make that a challenge for them? Reward could be a couple of gem keys, I guess.

i think it is worth it. You can get souls by using gems through the use of gem keys. What is the conversion of each task?

I don’t feel that it is worth it for 5 gems alone, however you can use these teams(and time spent) that you are forced to make to farm whatever you may need. For example I will use the hell out of tyri during most of the new tasks.

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Spot on analysis. Even if you can double up, 10 gems is not worth it for 20 fights with suboptimal teams. If it was just “Complete 20 invasions” that’s another story. At least that’s something productive and gives you choices for your team. But the specific mana color/kingdom ones are not worth the effort for the minimal reward. Even if it were 10 gems each and you managed to double up, 1 gem per suboptimal match is still barely worth it. Double the reward and cut the number of matches in half and then I’ll begrudgingly probably complete them (and hopefully manage to double up to make it 10 matches for 20 gems, which is worth it).

Sorry, Mr strange…but the “Once Per Day” tasks are total horse crap…not trying to be an *** about it but it is…though We are on the forums are not the majority…every one I have spoken to totally agrees that the new system is trash…The forums, friends on my friends list that play, people in playstation communities, people that play on facebook “the pages for Gems of War” that is…and again…Not the majority but a voice/voices that need to be heard…this game is NOT about the Veterans, level 200 plus, not the newcomers, but ALL of us…most lower levels don’t care what the veterans that have played this game from day one feel about repetitive tasks…the tasks should go back to normal or tweaked 100% different than they are now…to be fair to the COMMUNITY and not just the Veterans

Yes you are.

People, there’s constructive feedback, and then there’s this sort of drivel. Don’t do this. Rise above.


Not sure if you saw the changes or not.