[Reported] Wings of Destruction weapon does not give status effect to dragon allies

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam/Windows 10; also Android
Screenshot or image:


What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:
According to description, Wings of Destruction weapon should guarantee a status effect to all dragon allies on cast but, in reality, it does not - I tried in different game modes with different dragons on my team and there never was a status effect applied.

How often does this happen? When did it begin happening?
Ever since release of Wings of Destruction weapon.

Steps to make it happen again
Use the weapon in battle.


I second that oversight. Thought it was just due to playing invasion but alas nope. (Android)


Another code copy and no adjustment issue?

Maybe it gives status effects to another troop type?:thinking:


After testing all troop types, this weapon appears not to buff anything.


Maybe one day something will be added to the game that actually works as advertised.



Good news, Update 7.0 will probably introduce a pile of new ways to spend money that will all work right out of the box. :clown_face:


Too bad. Thanks for testing.

Probably a different copy and change issue then. Maybe a typo. They’ll figure it out.

Not that they should to have to figure it out after release.

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Don’t hold your breath waiting…

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Yeah, sorry to hear that it doesn’t work. I bought it but haven’t used it, and am not surprized by things like this any more. Unfortunately, this won’t be considered to be a bug as it didn’t “break the game.” If it doesn’t “break the game” then it’s a low priority annoyance, at best, for the devs. They might get around to fixing it in time for the next Dragon’s Claw week. You’ll have to use another weapon for now if you want all of the effects to work. Thems the breaks. Sorry


A few months ago maybe, a similar thing happened on Switch but it was a raid boss event. The shop offered Ogre, not a raid boss troop, not even the right kingdom(which is why i cant remember which raid boss event it was), but on Monday there was mail with 50 gems, 1 copy of the troop and a little oopsie message. I wouldnt expect more than the same here except no troop.

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The quality control of new troops and weapons appears to be degrading. Phantom Fox was supposed to do Mana Burn + magic of the caster, but it only does Mana Burn (no bonus damage). This was reported 3 months ago and still isn’t fixed.


It doesn’t summon a dragon troop either

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When I tested it this morning, it summoned a dragon troop for me.

EDIT: I tested it a few more times. Summoned Venoxia, The Great Wyrm, Penglong, and Baby Dragon. No status effects any of the times I used it.


Hello :slight_smile:

Thank you for the screencaptures.

I’ve included them to the report and let the development team know about this issue.


Now that the event has ended, how long will it take to fix it? Just asking because I’ll never use that weapon again. :thinking:


Looks like it’s been fixed?


This feels a lot like attempting to fix a year 1996 calendar. Sure, it’s neat that the development team will possibly take the leap year into account, use other weekdays than Monday and add the months missing after September. It’s just that in the year 2023 such a fix will have as little impact as repairing an event weapon intended for an event that already ended quite a while ago.

I wonder if this will be the norm now. Release broken content, fix it after it would be most useful, move on quietly.

its been like this for awhile now, since all of their “new content” events happen on the weekend when none of their support is around