Invasion Weekend: Dragon

Originally published at:

Returning Invasion Troop: Thaumaris Thaumaris has returned to lead Dragons during this weekend’s Invasion. You can get him from the Event shop during this event. New Weapon: Wings of Destruction This weekend it will be available in both the Event shop, and in the Soulforge. Please note that some of the Social Collectibles that players…

Wings of Destruction does not seem to be granting a random status effect to all dragon allies.

I’ve not tested extensively as my invasion team consists of 3 Thaumaris’ and the weapon.


Your new weapon is NOT working as advertised, please address. It is not unreasonable to expect at least one of your updates to work as intended, and the fact that so much content being released for this game isn’t working as advertised is becoming jarring.


Meanwhile, Switch gets an Arena weekend…

Hopefully this weapon will be fix by the time we get it.

It’s almost guaranteed this weapon won’t be fixed by the time we get it on switch.:rofl:

In other news, I got a response from my support ticket to fix the epic trials in Broken Spire, but there has been no change. (They seem to break things at the rate of an unlicensed, wandering mechanic)