[REPORTED] The Scourge of Honor - NO IMAGE

Thank you for letting us know about this, it’s been reported to the team.
I’ve made an article here if you’d like to follow for updates.
This may not be fixed until Monday as the team are currently on their new years break, thanks in advance for your patience!



Thanks for the update!

+1 but the issues are only with new mythic. Last week or mb couple weeks ago I had same issue with new purple gnome - no images on boot screens with it, on cards, during battles and on reward screen of the vault. Now it works, but couple updates have passed.

Thank you kindly!

Bei mir auch kein Bild, spiele am PC mit Blue Stacks Emulator

We are currently working on a fix for this issue, I’ll let you know when it’s ready to be released into the wild. <3

When folks ask why it’s so hard to make a change to weapon affixes, just point to this thread where fixing a troop with no image (that they’ve gotten right 918 times before somehow eventually) has taken over a week to fix. That should put it in perspective. Nothing is easy when your team and/or process is this incompetent!

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This is definitely NOT the first time a troop with no image has been released on Android at least. The newest Gnome had the same exact issue and was that way for at least a week. So this is nothing new. Gems of War is available on more platforms than (paid) people (not beta testers) willing to test these Platforms on for each new content. That much is very clear.


The fact that they’ve had this exact same problem in the past and fixed it before, and yet it’s still a week+ and unfixed currently is PRECISELY MY POINT. This is a very high level of “bad at their jobs” (or they simply don’t care) and we should never expect anything to get better.


This issue isn’t the same as others with missing images, which is why it is taking a bit longer. It looks as if the error has occured for different reasons, and the fix is a bit bigger. If it was purely an issue with the art not appearing like before, we would have fixed it much earlier. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, we will push a fix as soon as it has been tested.


Appreciate the communication!


It’s interesting that it’s a different issue from that of the demon gnome, but with the same symptoms. I notice the new mythic is also missing in its event tab. Did that happen for the demon gnome? Or was its art not featured in the Events?


i’m experiencing the same thing with new faction troops…
what’s going on? last time the fix was fast…