[Reported] PVP Pets From Pet Bounty

Your guildmates pal, maybe ask them to keep shit like this to themselves in future :+1:t2:


Unrelated to the merits of this discussion, I triggered an Urskine today!! :polar_bear: :heart: I’m really happy about it

What should I mention next? I haven’t seen a million dollars in literal years either … :joy:


Iv never seen the USA land on the moon.

Still haven’t :joy:

“I haven’t seen people happy with the new treasure guardian system since it released…” is probably a good one too

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The OP is not my guildmate. By the time my guildmate commented it was already reported… so they didn’t do the damage.

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Let’s hope Lucy felt happy during the 5mins of fame. :wink:
Thanks for reporting!

With multiple hundreds of pets available that can be triggered for a 1h blockage pet rescue the chances of triggering such a pvp pet are ever so slim.

Despite that, obviously it was a feature, until it got called a bug, but very interesting to see how quick the reaction times of “acknowledgement” (and probably a fix) is applied if any “advantage” is player-sided. :slight_smile:

But when f.e. in a reworked gamemode there’s horrible lag experienced by (nearly?) every player it be like “this not even 50gems sorry worth”. :smiley:


No, but Sheffield is and it was him that stated they were available in pet rescue, not OP. I’m pretty sure he probably got it to mythic aswell before he deemed it necessary to let the devs know it was bugged.


Well iv popped 15 pet gnomes in 2 days.
Haven’t had one PvP pet.

So I guess they fixed it quicker, than the flash getting dressed :rofl:


Kolejny gracz, który utrudnia życie innym graczom. Nigdy nie zrozumiem osób, które zgłaszają takie rzeczy i działają na szkodę innych. Czasem warto przemyśleć i zastanowić się. czy zgłaszać takie problemy. Przecież wiadomo, że gm’y to czytają. Zapewne już to zmienili, bo wszystko co jest na niekorzyść firmy to naprawiają natychmiast, a to co jest na niekorzyść graczy to jest ignorowane.
Ręce opadają.

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