Confirming on PC/Steam:
The boost ratio appears to function off the in-game gold counter (full board clear off bronzelock after single leprechaun cast, normally takes 2, need 236+ gold displayed for full clear, had ~450+ displayed at the time which would have only been ~150+ with not-glitched delve talent). However, it does appear to cap the amount of gold received on the rewards screen (I checked, and it doesn’t somehow materialize in your pocket either):
By cap, I mean I had 1700 displayed match gold and got 1413 after the game, but as little as around 600 match gold gave me the same result. Taking my global bonus out of the equation for that account (+101%) and subtracting delve gold, it appears that the amount of gold I’m getting from these games is capped at 500 adjusted in-match gold.
Once upon a time, I know there were separate calculations used for the in-match rewards and how much they contributed to the post match result (resulting some bugs with souls/necormancy for a certain stretch). Basically, the base gold/souls generated would be stored in one place, with the in-match multipliers and caps adjusting and displaying you the effective amount in battle, and the post battle performing a different set of calculations on the base values to get you your reward amount. The old bug with souls was that the gain multiplier was applied multiplicatively outside of battle (and, at the time, also only from necromancers present at the end of battle, which has since been fixed completely) and additive inside of battles.
I’m bringing this up because it appears we are still doing two sets of calculations - understandable because the game is client only in-match and the server hands out the rewards, but these two sets of calculations are still either not using the same variables or same steps. The moneybags delve talent is raising your match gold cap by 400% per talent and increasing the gold gain multiplier by 400%. The post match calculation appears to use a gold cap increase of 100% per delve talent but is using the +400% gold gain multiplier per talent, resulting in a cap of 5x and a multiplier of 17x for rewards.
So why is this important? Fixing the delve talent back to +100% should be a simple issue and make both values match again, but there is still the matter of the one calculation using a different set of variables in the first place, meaning they have to be set independently and changed independently for server and client. Best practices would be to ensure that they use the same set of values, so if something needs to be changed (or a new “gain” trait needs to be added, for example, on a medal or something), there is one set of values propagated to both client and server, so even if the server has to perform a separate calculation, they should get the same result.
As to how they got changed in the first place and why, I have no idea.
- Moneybags delve talent is +400% gain +400% cap per troop in battle, and +400% gain +100% cap outside of battle to calc rewards, should be +100% in all instances
- Moneybags Cedric Legendary Trait works as expected (+100% rate/100% gain in battle and rewards), in and out of delves
- The fact that the in and out of battle multipliers can be different and therefore have to be independently changed to be fixed is concerning for this and other interactions