Refund for Sheggra

She been nerfed same time then other but who care refound option is gone anyway

A weird thing to say after rejecting the Infernal King suggestion with the reason of disliking troops relying on others.
Just Sayin.
You are right about the refund though, it should definitely be possible to refund it after the change.
Though to be frank aside from Huge traitstones would be better spent on other troops regardless of how much gems Sheggra spawns :wink:

It’s funny. For the team I’ve been using Webspinner in recently, the poison on hit trait was completely useless, never used it once. The new trait however, will at least be used.

If you played with multiple webspinner the first trait combined with last trait (x3 damages on poison) that was a killer

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Yeah was a lot quicker poison on hit with 2webs.
New trait just slowed him down. Nuff said

I do love having troops for refund, I refunded all of them and leveled them up just enough to get three stars, and saved a boat load of trait stones too.
And a nerfed no refund Sheggra is awesome, hated that troop. Serves the skull spammers right.

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Oh you’re going to love the Infernal King.

Not that I know of. Maw is a pain/challenge to play against, but I hardly think it’s broken unless it’s paired with fully traited Mercy. Even then, it’s easy to trick the AI Mercy if one’s careful.

We don’t have Mercy. Technically don’t have Maw yet either but a hunch says Maw will be out before Mercy.

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Well, start stockpiling your Yellow/Brown Arcane Mountain for Maw and Blue/Green Arcane Swamp for Mercy.
Trust me, you’ll thank me for it later.

Well we’ve had 3 Swamp events (Fenrir, Giant Spider, and Green Slime).

We also have 0 way to gain Mountains at the moment since Drifting Sands isn’t out yet. Well 0 aside from random chest drops. That will change on Tuesday when Gob-chomper goes live as the event troop of the week.

Thanks Sid, yeah got swamp taken care of with Green Slime released this week.

Mountains are supposed to be next week but with recent changes to the reward/task system I will now only be able to buy half of what I had intended too. Bit bummed by that :unamused:

Farm Maps @death, the cap was raised to 10

Really 10?? Still at work and waiting to get home. New housing project is sapping all my time.

Also bad connection for last 48hours. Arena I’m looking at you. :sweat:

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Yup, was 5, now 10. Makes for farming Maps much easier.

I had been saving my glory for couple months to trait jarl and Sheggra once the nobends are released. Ended up spending 80% of it buying enough arcane for celestia last week. Now both her and Sheggra are garbage.

Hoping for some good news with this game soon

I also been saving for glorys for a while, so i have almost 10,000 to use for the mountain traitstone.

I made a huge mistake!