Refund for Sheggra

Can you explain me what happen if I press rb to refund a troop? Will I lose the troop? I have not game in english and its not clear. Also why some troops have this option and other not?

You will get back the soul and trait you spended on it.

these unit have this option cause the dev decreased some stats in these troops

So the troop disappear or is back at lvl1 with no traits?

Yup keep the troop at lvl 1 without trait

Back at level 1 with no traits.

It will not undo any ascension though nor will it change the number of copies if the troop you currently own.

ok I understand now. I ll not do it because it will decrease kingdom power. Thank you.

You are welcome btw i dont know if its a bug but this option is no longer avalaible for me

Webspinner also should be up for refund with its recent Nerf.

Same for me! I m on xbox, it was there 30 mins ago and nothing now.

Webspinner hadn’t changed.

Lol, check again bro

Trait changed and creates one less gem. So yes it changed.

Same here refound option gone on xbox one i was sure the text said it was suppose to stay 2 weeks

I don’t trust the text and PC version still said 9 gems which was what he was doing in the prior update.

Yes, not causing Poison on a skull hit definitely makes Webspinner less useful. Sad about that one because I was using a double Webspinner team. :frowning:

Omg yeah you are right they changed it that really suck

Nah been using web for months. 10 gems always spawned.
his first trait changed from poison on hit to demonic pact. Which is a Nerf MO

You sure on the 10 cause the text said 9 for awhile now.

And Venoxia was the one who did Poison on Skull Damage. I don’t recall ever seeing it on Webspinner.

No wait… Venoxia had the Poison on 4 match. Hmm. Regardless, still matches the PC.

Poison on hit was one of his traits. Text might of said 9 but spawned 10. Bug who knows.

Sheggra Nerf only works sometimes as had her create 11gems last night. 2matches later it was 6gems. A few more matches and created 9

You are right first trait was poison on skull i used her alot before