invite code is COWMAN
Invite sent, welcome to The Realm!
If you have a LINE id or when you get one, you can leave it in guild chat and someone will invite you to the group. LINE is our main method of communication.
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere
There’s a wonderful world you can share
Rank 69 , last week hit all task + 2 legendary/40k seals
One spot open for a team player
We’re full ATM, thank you.
One spot open
Looking for player with all kingdoms levelled.
Requirements 300 trophies, 1500 seals, 500k gold
We are full, thank you
Rank 59
One spot open
Must have all kingdoms levelled
One spot available for player with all kingdoms levelled
Pour me more tequila, raise the flames to fever!
10k trophies , 40k seals, all task + few legendary weekly.
One spot open, requirements listed above.
Rank 57 now
One spot available
Level 56 and climbing
One spot open
I just turned level 200, kingdoms maxed, gold and trophies shouldn’t be an issue.
Invite: NELSON5444_1
Sounds good, give me a bit, will send you invite
Invite sent
Welcome to the Realm
We are saving gold for new kingdom gdom release so don’t worry about contributing any
Looking for one player who can do minimum 300 trophies and contribute 500k+ gold.
Join us as we climb into the top 50
I’m a proud member and highly recommend this guild for active folks that like a friendly but also goal-oriented guild! We chat and give advice on LINE, and are from many time zones so there’s almost always someone around to talk to.
I feel like I lucked out with Realm of the Undead, because it’s exactly the sort of friendly atmosphere I was looking for but it’s also rising in the ranks really well! Not used to having my cake and eating it too