We failed our first ever event and are a top 6 guild. We changed to no reqs and I’m not actively encouraging people to do heavy shop buy ins and waste gems.
That is until the rewards are updated - hint Dragonite, hint books of deeds, hint maybe cursed runes.
Valid points. I’d say the major orbs were much more important a while ago, but now that most, if not all of us, have Zuul, there’s not a huge incentive to push through all stages. We’ve never had requirements aside from using all free sigils in events, but that never prevented us from completing everything. It’s all good though. To your point, there’s really no point in finishing events other than the satisfaction of getting all rewards, however miniscule.
If I have to do more than one treasure map run for a campaign event it is an auto-reroll. Just be careful - they’ll start rolling out some treasure room currency (and of course, you can use paid currency to purchase), where you’ll have to gain a randomized amount to buy some mediocre troops for which you’ll have a randomized chance of obtaining for spending said currency, all in the name of “injecting more fun into the treasure room game”.