QoL Suggestion: Creating Writs in Soulforge

First post here, so I don’t know whether this has been made before, but whatever, straight to the point.

I have 913 Treasure Maps. Don’t use 'em anymore, never will, since the distribution of items within the Treasure Hunt mode is done better by later modes you’ll take more advantage of due to it being, well, better. Glory Keys, Gem Keys, and Gems themselves have better options for distribution once you get stuck into stuff like the Weekly Events, and now we have Deeds, which are an alright addition, but their distribution is still terrible.

Treasure Maps are paper. Writs are paper, and as of now, there doesn’t seem to be a consistent cycle to acquiring Writs well, beyond the Green Guild Tasks, which-- Let’s be honest-- Isn’t even in the top 5 of Most Important Guild Tasks.

I’m sure it’s a moot point by now, but everything else is fine. Minor stones become fodder for Major, Major for Runic, so on and so forth, and it’d just be nice to see Writs and Treasure Maps synergize as such so it can be just as gratifying to unlock.
