Pvp rewards are too low!

And yet you type and hit “Reply”, therefore destroying any chance of seriousness…

i agree i am currently ranked 3 and i got 6k to grind for second place, if prize were seperate i would probably give it a try but now i will just secure third place :slight_smile:


I disagree with this idea. Further rewarding for such huge levels of play seems unnecessary to me.

Thank you for this sophisticated argument in favour of keeping the actual rewards. :wink:

You’re most welcome, it was no trouble.

I dont see how thats low, ranked is extra on top of the gains of your class ranking… see it as a cherry on the cake.

I agree. I’ve had a good go at it this week when I could. I was 96 at the highest but dropped to 966 over the last two nights. I got up early to try and get back into the top 100 before work and got to 101 with ten minutes to go. I won, check rank, still 101! So frantically try to win one more game and I managed it as the event ended bang on the cut off of 07.00 gmt. So almost 9000 battle points and one traitstone for my efforts and a bit of gold etc. It’s just not worth it. Some people must be sat like tacet every day!!
I love the game but it’s like digital crack, (I’d imagine) but this was gruelling and nowhere near the effort.