PvP rankings are a joke

As for bad rewards payout on ranking, i think a gem key for every 1000 PvP points earned would be great. Those players putting in their time to achieve higher points would get decent amounts of gem keys even if they dont reach those glorious top 100 spots. And for someone doing 5-10k points it would be 5-10 gem keys. Nothing economy breaking but still decent.


Thats the best idea i have heard all day !

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I am glad you like it. I had that on my mind for quite some time.

The Devā€™s will probably implement this, but change it to a Glory Key instead hahahaha

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You mean gold key


Just to be clear, I too think there are bots. My point is simply that we donā€™t know how many bots there are, these are all just guesses. And the assumption that these players need to be in a guild (and we should have 1000 guilds) is assuming they should all be together. My guess is more players play solo or semi-solo, and there are a bunch of guilds with only 3 or 4 people. The other side of all this math is how likely is it that 90% of the active players in the games are bots when the rewards are so pointless. And how likely is it that the devs would ignore the problem at that scale? Thereā€™s too many possibilities and too many unknowns. Simply restating the same unproven assumptions with the disclaimer that ā€œif youā€™re smartā€ or ā€œif you think about itā€ doesnā€™t make them factsā€¦

Anyway. I know Iā€™m in the minority on this desire for proof and facts, so Iā€™ll probably just spectate now. This really is doubleplusgood reading though!


Calm down there, man! Youā€™d MAYBE get some major traitstones :sunglasses:


Just an idea, but donā€™t we as an active player base have the ability to capture the names of these players & guilds of these 30,000+ 500 match players?

Iā€™m thinking that towards the end of the week, we could scroll through our own battlelogs and start listing this info for all these high volume players.

I can only assume they are in guilds because it is very very rare to find someone in your battle log who has ā€˜noneā€™ as their guild. Usually, these are just people in between guilds who are known to the forum users.

Itā€™s early morning, so perhaps I am not thinking right. But could this work?

  • battle log is very limited
  • if you do 200 battles (which is not little) youll see only a fraction of 30.000
  • even 500 battles wouldnt be much
  • in those battles you do, almost half of the opponents repeat at least once, some multiple times (which is funny, if we are getting players from such a large pool).

The PVP leaderboards arenā€™t like the guild leaderboards, unfortunately. There is very limited opportunity for data-gathering, except for the brute-force option of ā€œtrack every player, their rank, and their guildā€. We would all enjoy the statistics of how many players in the top 40k are in guilds of what size, but that information would have to come from the developers.

300 trophy is nothing i already got 1160 trophy and 5 days left


Is it mclovin? :slight_smile:

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Thatā€™s an imposter, heres the real McLovin with ID to prove it

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@DonBoba, in the past PVP pools havenā€™t been very big, however last week we made them bigger. Compared to the amount of players we have, you barely see any.

Also, as a general response about guilds versus players, a lot of our high level players arenā€™t active in guilds. A lot of people play solo but you donā€™t hear from them or see them in guilds because they prefer to play on their own. :slight_smile:


Freaks and Geeks pre-dates Superbad by quite a bit. Interesting coincidence: Seth Rogen appears in both.

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I did 1000+ trophies last week and was around 25,000th.


Hey, thanks I looked it up. I know a poposterous amount of useless stuff but that show got by me, guess you learn something every day :slight_smile:


Thanks for chipping in on this topic.

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m here for! :v: