PvP is fine

Ok so my team gets changed every new mythic
I swap new for old.

Nothing special, no Stella’s or taks in central spire.

Iv left this till I had a big amount of fights ,there’s no excuse to lose if your a medium to high level.

it’s not, as many others have stated with a lot of proofs.

I actually never see photo proof.
I can take a picture of every region.
I have 9 out of 10 win percentage in every region.

So I’m sorry but it’s fine.
If you want to post your region stats in picture form.
It would prove your point better .

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Me too, Im top10 weekly, and I tell you with all the data and my expierence - this pvp is broken due to a few cards.

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All troops in PvP are fine.

@Gandalfstormbringer welcome back Truethat!

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-this pvp is broken due the design of the pvp mode itself. There I fixed it for you. If it was the cards fault, those cards would be breaking the rest of the game. Are they? NO. This is not rocket science.

ONE part of ONE mode is not working well for everyone. How we get to blaming troops, weapons and classes that exactly ZERO people hated before pvp, is beyond me. Literally the only thing that changed was how pvp works.

You get that., right? Wand, Stella, Tak, elementalist class ALL existed in the old pvp. Zero complaints.


The fact you don’t bothered and penetrate any other game mode with those cards w/o noticing who even was there doesn’t mean game is working well.
PVP is the only way to see how broken some things are.
Unless devs willing to introduce mode-only card changes, it affects whole game, period.

And nope. Tak wasnt existing in the old pvp. Stellawand wasn’t that popular neither as a defend team. We could change multiple attack teams basing on the defender. Of course 0 complains. Nobody saw those back then.

It looks like you are only one here with the broken game.

For others, it is fine.


Lol what?

You realize that you just proved my point? Stella and wand were not popular as a defense team because PVP WAS DIFFERENT!!!

PvP is the only way to see how broken PVP IS… and that is ALL.

Well sure, if you make a game-wide nerf it will affect the whole game. The point is that it SHOULDN’T be nerfed BECAUSE it would unfairly affect the whole game. Why do you seem to think it is fair to ruin other people’s enjoyment of all the other modes of the game, to improve YOUR enjoyment of pvp? Wouldn’t it be more fair to just fix pvp? You know… the thing that is actually broken?


Whelp, guess what, pvp wasn’t broken until those arrived. Soooo chickens and eggs.

Nerf those stella/wand/elementalist and we will see for sure.

There are a couple other topics regarding nerf wishes.

Here is about fine PvP

how pvp can be viewed beside cards when whole game is based on cards lmao

Not because a few cards. Because AI chance luck. Same teams. Same level. Diamond league. I can cast wand of stars 5 times in a row without extra turns. AI casts wand of stars 8 extra moves in a row with skull waterfall. It’s like harpies 5% summon chance. You won’t summon even one. AI summons each turn.

That’s not the first time a game developers have made a code error that caused the AI ​​to work disgusting. I’ve heard that one extra letter in Aliens: Colonial Marines game code has lead to stupid Xeno’s AI. One extra letter that destroyed the game.

Cards are fine, AI’s luck is broken!


Well, cards aside, I agree the pvp rework and rewards are damn fine.

Wand of stars has been around a year. PvP didn’t get “broken” until the 7.4 patch at the end of March. Stellarix was buffed in January and was no issue at all until the 7.4 patch at the end of March. Even Takshaka was around several weeks with no issue before the 7.4 patch at the end of March.

So it is not a chicken / egg thing. It’s an everything was working just fine until patch 7.4 made significant changes to pvp, thing. The day before the patch, NOBODY was complaining about the weapon, the troops or any classes. After the patch? A vocal minority are complaining.

The only thing that changed in the game, between the day before the patch and the day of the patch is… THE PATCH!!! The patch did NOT change Wand of Stars, Stella, Tak, or any classes. It changed pvp. So why, in the name of everything holy, would any rational person conclude that the problem isn’t due to radical changes to the mode with issues, but with a handful of things that did not change.

I’m done talking to walls, though. Enjoy the dead game if you get your way.


Like iv said before
Biggest problem.

The game employees only listen to the minorities.

Been like this for a long time, why you think they never put up polls, to see the actual numbers.

The fact you’ve never tried your own medicine before (having no real pvp WITH those new cards before 7.4) means cards ARE broken.
Pathfinders died for quite much less than this Stella/wand/taks.
Oh yeah, btw game core is always a minority. People come and go, and only those who dedicate some time into the game can see it’s flaws as perfect. Sadly you guys just want to have imba on your hands/purpose.

You must be the only game core (minority) player on here then :rofl:

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Apparently being sane is a minority last years, so yeah, no wonder.

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