PVP Changes

Why should he? He is allowed as everyone else in this forum to express his opinion.

Nobody liked the gem eggs too and they made a 2nd batch.

Sure he is. But the fact remains his opinion is a dumb one. “Herr derr just find a counter” is not a good opinion. Maybe he should consider that in a mode that prioritizes quantity of fights, most people don’t want EVERY fight to be a slog, or a coin flip at the start.


Good point. Maybe they just want to kill their game.

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Look mate I’m just trying to bring different view to this whole mess. All I see is nerf that, change that, bring back that etc.

I could also say “git gud” but that doesn’t get us anywhere lol, learned that from the past.

4 years in here and I’ve seen the ups and downs. Some things got easier, some things harder but I’m still enjoying the game as a whole

Obviously there are plenty to adjust, some things need complete overhaul too but this current PvP as we know is the closest form of “PvP” the current game has to offer. The earlier version was just explore with some restrictions. Not my cup of tea. Just MY OPINION.


I specifically pointed out that I’m not either adjusting to counter every god damn battle. I also pointed out that if you don’t, then you gotta accept you will lose some battles.

You win, good. You lose, just move on to another battle. That’s what I do atleast. :man_shrugging:t2:

Yup, and your opinion is wrong.

I’m sorry I despise the “hardcore pvp” crowd in this game. You want hardcore pvp there are better games for it. What we got now is utterly busted, and not at all fun as evidenced by the massive drop in player engagement with the mode.

Any zone that allows takshaka and stellarxi DOESN’T HAVE A COUNTER. The only thing you can hope for is luck, can you fill up first and before one of the multiple takshakas one shot two troops in one cast? If you can, great! Can you kill stellarix before it near one shots your whole team? Great! Oops did you stop wand of stars?

I don’t want nerfs. I want the mode changed to give us more fight choics.


Interesting. I’ve never seen ai use WoS’ bless option. Nor have my guild mates. What makes that difference?

Silence is also a good answer to WoS/Stella/Taka. Though it need the Gray King or the Silent One to mass silence enemy team. Or multiple casts from Stringfiddler. That, to be fair, is comparable with Arachnaean Weaver’s mass web. But there isn’t a “silence gem” creator, unlike empowered the Spider Throne, who can create lots of web gems in turn one. Moreover, if not using the Gray King’s silence and mana drain, once silence goes off, the enemy can usually cast their devastating spell immediately. While webbed enemy will waste its mana for weak spells, so when web goes off, there’s more likely one turn or two to reapply web. Of course, if AI can indeed use WoS’ bless option, silence is better than web.

I agree Takshaka’s 2x magic true damage to two targets spell is way too strong for a “mere” mythic troop. It’s onto the boss troop’s territory. It need to be nerfed to 1x magic true to two targets, OR 2x magic true to one target, OR 2x magic normal to two targets. By the way, Salamadria’s 1.5x magic plus boost true to two targets is similarly overpowered and need to be nerfed down, too.

Stellarix, on the other hand, is the top end troop. Once it’s correctly labeled as “boss”, I won’t mind its current spell power.

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You have to be joking? All I see is AI use wand of stars bless. The times it uses the purple/yellow is a rarity, because I’m assuming its programmed to use the best chance for a four match, which is the bless.

So no, status effects aren’t a good answer to it, because the ai usually uses bless on wand of stars.

Also takshaka doesn’t need to be nerfed. PLEASE don’t nerf it. I love using it. Blood frenzy is what makes it one shot two troops per cast. The issue with the current “challenging” (lol) pvp is “your last attack is your defense.”


I feel your pain, if AI in your game does use bless option. I’m curious on the differences of AI performance between your game and my game.

Takshaka need nerf, because it’s way more stronger than other mythic troops. I can understand you like to use it yourself. Just don’t complain other players agreeing with you and also use them so you have to fight them. At the very least, don’t fight them in blood frenzy day. The blood frenzy zone will move every day.

Oh I ignore the takshaka zones on blood frenzy day. Its a fun troop to use but blood frenzy breaks it.

I too see the AI cast bless a vast majority of the time. Probably 8/10 times

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Opinions are opinions. Not facts. So technically they can’t be wrong.

I think you’re misunderstanding Hazard and his intentions.

Wand of Stars, Ctha… Zuul 2.0, 2x Takshaka.

It’s not a perfect counter by any means but it works okay-ish for now.

Absolutely with you there. Anything else is just for the meantime…


A solution would be to randomize the teams AND the hero weapon. Id love that. This game doesnt have live pvp. What this is is a crude, frustrating facsimile.

Im sure this was devs thinking. “Hey! Ive got it! If you fight the last attack team the player used its like live pvp!” But they didnt think past their own nose and realize “Wait…that will just result in mirror matches and players getting frustrated.”

Case and point, forest of thorns. Matches take 1:30 minutes minimum, often upwards of two. Its basically “who can get more chosen loops, and who can use cursebreaker bow more.” Most teams are very similiar. Its easy to win but its a slog.

The new pvp when its not challenging is BORING. Theres gonna be a meta in every zone, and often times your best bet is to mirror match that meta

Back to the drawing board devs. This pvp will eventually chase your players away


My impression is that the AI tends to “default” to whatever you-as-player chose the last time you picked one over the other. Not 100% of the time, but it seems to me that it’s far more often than not.


I usually cast WoS’ bless option (9 in 10). AI in my game always use curse option (10 in 10). So my datapoint doesn’t fit that theory.


I wish I had your game. The AI almost always uses bless. I think its because they usually have a status effect and they want to cleanse it.


That sounds like an interesting community experiment to run, but trying to properly categorize the data (to identify potential trends) seems like a nightmare.

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Im pretty sure that if the ai has a status effect it will always use wand bless

I actually don’t mind the new PvP. It’s the only area of the game where you can have battles against a hero. And fighting against other players attack teams, you get to see the teams that they feel are the best. It was interesting to watch them evolve.
Maybe the brackets should be more related to the level/experience/strength of a player, rather than how much they grind.
And the battles selected likewise. If you don’t have the ‘big’ troops and weapons, and can’t find a team to beat them, then you shouldn’t have to fight them. Stay in a lower bracket.