PVP Changes

Im sorry but having your whole team wiped in one cast isnt “difficult.” Its broken.

I dont want stellarix nerfed btw. I want there to be an option to fight a non stellarix team on blood frenzy. I just want some variety in these teams.


I’ve never been wiped in one cast even in a Bloodfrenzy battle, although I might get looped to death.

It’s a risk you take when fighting a powerful troop with 50% bonus stats.

I agree there should be other options, I usually avoid Bloodfrenzy Stellarix if I can.

You do get first turn advantage, you can try to disable or kill enemy Stellarix before it casts. Easier said than done, I know, but it’s not like you’re completely defenceless against it.

Soooo, when will i be good enough to not get 1 shot by Taka or Stella exactly? I get to go first gives me an adavntage? I can snap freeze and engangle their whole team then Wand matches 4 and cleanses and fills Stella who then casts once and game over. I have been in bracket 1 GW for 5 years, so I think I have enough experience for what is supposed to be just a normal PVP fight. And when all 3 fight choices are the same team maybe just ordered differently I should just avoid an entire part of the game and take my ball and go home? I guess Arena, Treasure Hunt and Journey are better outlets for fun and for my experience level


You’re describing worst case scenario, yes, you’ll lose when a strong enemy gets good board luck with Wand and Stellarix. You can’t guarantee wins in the toughest battles in the game, nor should you expect to.

Of course going first is an advantage, a huge one. You get a headstart to do the stuff you described getting done to you.

Did a few hours in Bloodfrenzy Geheron today. I don’t think I once was forced to take a Stellarix battle. I think the matchmaking has improved.

I lost quite a few battles, but still won most of them.

My hero has 300+ combined life and armour, that’s generally good enough not to be one shot by Stellarix.

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Brown day is tolerable. I can usually pop the stellarix with zuul 2.0 and leave the hero crying as it spams wand of stars while i pick them off.

I avoid takshaka teams altogether because those can 1 shot two troops

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Cool, that’s what PvP’s about. Finding effective ways to counter annoying teams.

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Theres no effective counter to wand takshaka stellarix other than luck.

The current pvp blows and i would wager the people that really enjoy it are a minority as evidenced by the reduced engagement with pvp and this massive thread full of mostly negative comments on it.


People tend to be more vocal when they’re unhappy, but I still believe you’re right about your wager.

I have everything save for stellarix. I can win. Its not enjoyable is my problem with it. I was doing 1000+ battles a week and having a blast. Now? I currently have 100, most on brown day because of the lack of takshaka in enemy teams

I understand no hero was a bug. But…it was fun. I used troops and teams i rarely used.


You shouldn’t need a specific 2 or 3 troops and/or weapon to play the game. Stellarix is probably another year out for me unless I buy tons of dragonite, and I do spend on the game occasionally. This game mode has effectively become pay to win.

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I dont agree with that outside of double takshaka stellarix wand zones. But on brown day for example:

This team SMACKS stellarix teams. Sure if they get a cast off you are in trouble but i quite often can pop stellarix first.

That said. Its not fun. Because every team on brown is the same. Stellarix with either gray king or ctharr

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I am currently in 1st place in my bubble with a ton of losses, but the 2nd place person is level 1662 I think and has 76 losses and only like 150 wins. I know being a high level doesn’t guarantee a great player necessarily, but it is still an experienced player who is at 50% winning percentage

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I dont bother on bad blood frenzy days. Brown is when ive done all my battles

My losses are similar. It is NOT due to being a bad player. It is due to leveling classes! I use PVP to level classes, and am busy with a most useless class. I do not have snap-freeze and 50% mana start and storm etc. activated. I have nothing…and the enemy usually has Elementalist…

However it is not worth it for me to do PVP at all if I cannot use it to level a class at the same time. So I take many losses sadly.

That guy you are seeing might be doing the same.


Sigh. Neither Stella or Taka is immune to web, and WoS on AI’s hand never uses bless option. So, just web them. Problem solved.

Sigh. This post is not true. Not only is it not true its just plain dumb. The ai USUALLY uses the bless option. I rarely see them use the purple/yellow. And just web them" is dumb for another reason. Good luck webbing them all before one goes off or wand goes off (which again uses bless all the time).


Web is not the solution but Silence is, that is if you get your troops going before they do. I think that’s PvP in a nutshell in all fairness these days.

You mentioned that Czernobog team few posts above, that team relies on luck as much as does the enemy team.

If your approach is luck based then is it fair to moan when the lady luck happens to bend over and farts on your face? :laughing:

“It’s not fun” would be pretty reasonable counter argument at that point… :poop:


Its not near as luck based when takshaka is not there. Takshaka breaks pvp on blood frenzy because it can one shot two troops ans there’s little chance you are going to stop all of them from casting.

Theres no easy counter to takshaka stellarix wand on blood frenzy.

As i said. Its not fun and im thankful the people that think it is are a minority. I believe they are currently bleeding players so i dont think pvp will stay like it is.

Counters never are “easy”. It is impossible to mix easy and fun in the top level competitive game modes in the first place if you ask me.

I really understand where folks are coming from, I really do. I like speedy and easy battles myself too! But all this moan about how things are atm kinda feels unnecessary when there definitely are some counters, to some degree atleast.

To me it seems peeps just don’t want to change their teams and then moan when they get battered.

I don’t change my teams either. It is just PvP. Losses occur from time to time. The difference is I don’t demand the whole mode being changed because of my own lazyness!

It’s just a game guys! You win some, you lose some! :smile:


Enjoy it while it lasts. These pvp changes won’t stick. The majority of players dont enjoy this.

Also, take your “git gud scrub” opinion somewhere else. 400+ posts here mostly negative and the massive change in engagement with the mode say you are wrong “just find a counter” is a dumb opinion. Laziness has nothing to do with it. NOT BEING FUN does.