PVP Changes

And if you use Taka you can’t 1 shot their team. It takes 2 casts with Taka to kill two of their troops, but getting four shots at it is near impossible

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Right. I dont even hit two tak teams anymore. Stellarix i can pop with zuul 2.0. But two or three troops that can one shot two of your troops with every cast? LOL. Waste of time to fight

Not to interupt you or anything, but is it first now you encountered this? It has been up for two weeks soon, top of the menu.

Somehow ive not noticed the one shots. Maybe ive been avoiding those teams wihout realizing it

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It’s only happening in the frenzy regions. Not fun if it happens.


Honestly easiest solution is to nerf Stellarix.

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It might be easiest, but it is also the worst idea ever. In the yellow area, for example, it’s the Takshaka who’s the main annoying culprit, not Stellarix (at least to me). In brown region, facing The Gray King (not to mention two-king teams) is often a recipe for failure. An Inari team+Spiritwalker (or any class with entangle at the start of battle) in Bay of Stars this week is hard to win. In giant restriction, Baldr teams are a menace. In every single region, you’ve got a troop of choice that’s just steam-rolling through the player when given the blood frenzy bonus. Stellarix isn’t the problem, it’s a symptom. People aren’t using Stella to spite other players. They are using it, because it’s one of the few things that allows them to win more often than lose. I don’t know how about you, but I hate losing, so I’ll use whatever it takes to win (and, surprise surprise, even using Stellarix - I still lose, and losses are not rare).

Stellarix must be good and tempting, because otherwise people won’t spend dragonite on it. It must be desirable, it must be tempting - like Zuul, or other bosses. Otherwise nobody will bother (think: do you want Xathenos, or do you leave crafting it for last?) and it will be just dead content to be ignored unless there’s absolutely nothing better to aim for. If it’s nerfed now (after getting a boost a month or so ago, which finally made it worth the cost, I must add), this won’t solve a thing. It will only destroy our joy in playing other modes and won’t fix PvP. PvP isn’t the only game mode, you know?

PvP needs fixes in match-making, it needs careful consideration in how something that was supposed to help us break out of the meta - instead threw us into even harsher meta-or-you-die dynamic (or, rather, meta-and-pray-for-RNG-to-work-in-your-favour), maybe blood frenzy 50% boost to enemy stats is too much and 25% would be enough (I had my butt kicked enough by Takshakas yesterday that I grew to hate that troop when facing it more than Stella-on-defense) - I’m not a dev, I don’t know what would be the best solution. But if the overkill nerf to journey troops taught me something - it’s that the problem was not really in the troops themselves, but in the general design of the new PvP.

So, again: it’s not Stellarix that’s the problem, or any other one troop or weapon. It’s the PvP design that’s the root of the issue.


Very bad idea…it would made crafting him pointless…infuriating everyone that busted their butts crafting him


Stellarix definitely needs to be nerfed, you can’t beat a team like Stellarix+Takshaka in conjunction with Wand of Stars. I don’t have a Stellarix myself and have to play with what I have. Stellarix loops and loops, cast twice and my whole team is dead. I’m currently desperate in the yellow frenzy zone. I’m thinking about giving up the game because I just lose in PVP. It feels like a daily punishment.

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Thank you. I have exactly the same feeling :frowning:


Image you design a game mode where your player loose 50% of the time.

Image you design a game mode where you fight the same team over and over.

Image you release a game mode without hero because you “forgot” and player having fun.

Image you release a game mode that removes another game mode completely from the game - GW

At this point I believe they should just change random stuff because they have no clue at all how this game is played and by whom.


The problem isn’t Takshaka, per se. The problem isn’t Stellarix, per se.

They’re symptoms of the greater problem, which is part “troop balance as a whole is somewhere between lousy and non-existent” and part “there’s a vicious inflationary spiral in terms of individual troop power in general”. And this manifests itself in an increasing number of troops (and occasionally weapons, classes, et cetera) that are “obvious” selections for everything, that can loop themselves ad infinitum and/or quickly win matches entirely on their own.

The pathfinder troops followed this paradigm until it was so obvious that it got hammered into ineffectiveness. Which would have been fine if so many of the other nails that stuck out received the same treatment, but they haven’t and there’s no indication that they ever will.

If the developers came out and nerfed Stellarix and Takshaka tomorrow, the “meta” would simply shift to something else. You’d still have issues with so many using Elementalist/Wand of Stars and the AI being able to infinitely loop you while neutering a lot of what you can do with endless bless/curse on top of it. Or Diamantina loops instead of Stellarix loops; sure it would (probably) take a little longer to kill you, but you’d still sit there helplessly while the AI plays with itself.

It’s a much broader problem. And it’s a difficult problem to solve – if not an impossible one. I speak from experience in a past lifetime many, many moons ago from when I tried to do this for a Multi User Dungeon in the early days of the internet; not only is it a thankless task, not only is it extraordinarily difficult and time-consuming to do properly, but you’ll always butt heads with people who have their own sacred cows and scream bloody murder if you even glance in those directions.

This doesn’t mean that the developers should simply throw up their hands and stop trying. But it’s not as easy to “fix” as an awful lot of people in these spaces would have you believe.


I can’t see that they were to nerf Stellarix as they just buffed the troop as well. I can’t see that is an option at all.

Also many people spent an awful a lot of resources/money just to get enough eggs and then get lucky getting the troop. Any changes to it will have massive consequenses. It also means that the other dragons from the cosmic eggs needs to be nerfed as Stellarix needs to be the superior one, and by that quite a bit.

People will just run other troops more also if those above were to be nerfed like Diamantina and Beetrix. There won’t be much differences at all.

Stellarix is an exceptionally hard troop to get hands on, and it is for a reason, it is the best troop in the game.

I fear that one of the changes will be that they nerf the Elementalist class.

I have no clue what their solutions will be to this. Perhaps remove the magic boost for the Blood Frenzy may solve something, but not enough…

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To all of those whining about these troops/classes/weapons and wanting nerfs, do you actually believe that those of us with those troops/classes/weapons don’t also lose in PVP??? Since putting real teams back in PVP, I’ve lost plenty, but I’m sure as hell not crying out for nerfing things in this game. What exactly would nerfing solve? You also realize that PVP is just one game mode, right? These troops/classes/weapons are very useful in other game modes.


Just limit the AI loop count in PvP. I am here to PLAY the game and not watch the AI get 25 extra turns. Sooo many solutions and they don’t care at all.


No it doesn’t. I do not have Stellarix and did fine in the yellow frenzy zone. Ctharrasque was key.

Not everyone has every troop. That does not mean it’s time to nerf the ones you don’t have, or the ones you don’t have the counters for.

The problem is not the troops. The problem is a design that forces everyone to use the troops.


I dont have Stella and I dont want a nerf. Last night every single PVP match had Taka and/or Stella. Like GW, I, with a high percentage knew from looking at the opening board if i was losing 1st turn. At best I knew i had a chance of I could win in 1 turn looking at the starting board. There is absolutely 0 fun in a game mode like that. Its the game design 90% and the troop design for the rest. Its the design that exhasterbates how the troops work. Those saying if you nerf it will just be another troop doing it arw right.
It was goblins, then it was Justice and Queen Mab, then Kraken just spamming or Kerberos devouring your whole team. I still say the AI is able to do things I cant do. That isnt a conspiracy and I cant prove it, but it isnt just selective memory. When an enemy troop with 10% dodge skull does it 7 or 8 times in a row or when you have your own Irongut with an 80-90% chance to devour and misses 5 or 6 straight times it’s obvious it is skewed


I really hope they can turn this around, I like the good parts of the game and the community


I dont have him and he DOES NOT need to be nerfed. Blood frenzy is the problem and matchmaking


Players who spent tens of thousands of gems on Dragonite to get Diamantina or Stellarix will be (justifiably) furious if they get nerfed. I would feel cheated after buying Dragonite for 300 gems daily for 9 months if the troop I spent a fortune on then got nerfed.

If easy to get troops like Pathfinders being nerfed caused a massive backlash, it would be nothing compared to nerfing super expensive difficult to get troops after people spent a lot of resources getting them.

I think three months of random defence teams without heroes have engendered a sense of entitlement in a lot of players to easily winnable PvP. Some have got used to being able to win multiple “hard” PvP battles per minute. It’s understandably quite a shock to the system suddenly having tough battles against heroes with annoying weapons or talents, and powerful troops.

IMO, the harder battles in PvP should be hard, not easily winnable in moments. It’s a competitive mode, you’ve got to expect difficult powerful opponents.

If Bloodfrenzy Stellarix is too powerful for you, I’d suggest fighting a different battle somewhere else, until you’re strong enough to handle it. Calling for nerfs or bans to troops, classes or weapons you don’t like being used against you is ridiculous IMO. Even endgamers can lose to powerful teams if they lose the initiative. I don’t really see how PvP could be any different.

I much prefer that people have to work for their leaderboard position, rather than flying through easily beatable random defence teams.

My main gripe with current PvP is the lack of access to team slots. Real Defence teams use different strategies, so you need different teams to counter them.

I would like to be able to set Defence teams too. In old PvP, I would try to avoid using the same teams on defence as everyone else because I know how tiresome it gets fighting the same teams over and over. Now it’s not an option, I need to use the most annoying teams possible since it’s using our attack teams.