PVP Changes

My feedback was precisely regarding PVP. The problem is NOT Stellarix or any one troop. It is the AI’s ability to loop troops, get extra turns, get 4-gem matches. Read the last two comments from me and another player.

The AI loops Wand of Stars 10 times in a row, but in my hand I only get two turns.

This has always been the problem - with many other troops too - Queen Beatrix, Ctharassque, Goblins, Wand, Tashaka, anything that loops - the old Journey troops etc.

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PVP was perfect after the big update, why you had to “fix” it? Just bring it back how it was before “defense fix” and let people play diffrent teams, if some want bot-like stellarix gameplay w/e but nothing works now in this stupid pvp setting. There was space to sacrifice some efficiency to finally play your favourite troops without waiting for single week when they gonna be used for some event and then wait eternity for another one. Leave omegameta teams for GW where it actually might matter, normal PVP should be fun to all as base game activity and now its unplayable.

this is me, after 1 stellarix cast, fun!


This point resonates with me. I really enjoyed the initial changes to pvp because it was fun to sort of break out of the meta. I remember watching the video that previewed the changes and hearing that was one of the points of changing pvp.

The latest changes completely undo that. Now, pvp is more meta-centric than it was before. :roll_eyes:


I played over 1000 pvp games two weeks in a row. It was fun to use teams id never used before. Now? I pretty much stopped at 6,500 vp. Last week i goy 30k but that was only because i popped my GAPs to cheat the system.

The new pvp is not fun except for a small group of players who enjoy fighting the buffed up meta team for each zone


This pretty much sums it up for what 90 % of the playerbase is going through now. As PvP stands, it could simply not be much worse.


Yeah nothing should be a near 1 cast win for the ai. That was my conplaint with books in gw

The enemy AI is definitely the biggest issue here. They seem to have set the AI to the lvl that the previous GW was so that now every single match is like a GW battle. They should’ve left the AI the same level as the old pvp system. It’s clear as day how much the gem placements heavily favor the enemy AI.


This exactly.

I have a whole list of unusual pvp teams thet worked great for me. Teams I did rude anywhere else.

Then first came the journey troop nerf that made them useless. Not used less - useless.

Okay, fine, I’ll make new teams for those regions. Killed some fun but whatever. It’s not every restriction, right?

Then came the current changes and there’s basically one team per restriction that (kind of) works. And of course the AI uses that team as well.

It’s tough but it’s also very, very boring.

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I will say my comments about Stellarix were directly correlated to PVP as well. Yes, it is also tied to eggs, but the main point was obviously everyone is using Stella in their attack team as every single team I played when Brown was the blood zone so that made every team I faced have Stella. I agree fully that the AI looping levels seem way over compensated. I would saywhen I cast Wand I get an extra turn 3/10 casts. The AI I would say is 8 or 9/10. Would you believe me that I lost a match on Brown day when I had 4 troops left and the AI only had Wand? I lost track of how many times in a row it cast, but it felt like 30. It would cast and match skulls about every other cast until it had skulled my entire team out. Heck, I have almost lost with a full team to just Leprechaun who did the same thing exploding and matching skulls and filling itself endlessly


I respect everyone’s thoughts and opinions, but complaining about unfair AI or the AI being able to loop more easily than the player has never gotten us anywhere - coming from a player who first started playing in 2016 (and yes, this was a complaint even back then).

At least without proof, any complaints about the AI having better “luck” (for lack of a better word) feels like a nonstarter. Over the years we’ve always been assured that this wasn’t the case, whether you believe it personally or not.


Yeah 8 loops from wand of stars for the ai is a little to excessive to be rng

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Maybe they are…sit down for this one…lying? Of course they wouldnt tell us theyve rigged the rng for the ai


There would be 0 problems with that if only there was no “fix” for the fun state of pvp :smiley: just revert it back to after rework state and all problems are solved.


And if they were, they wouldn’t admit to it. So it circles right back around to being fruitless complaints without proof, which is the point I was making. It’s a nonstarter topic.

While we have their ears I’d much rather we continue our great discussions on things that actually have a hope of being addressed.


I know that I am in 1st on my diamond ladder right now with 8300 VP.

Before, I would dive right in on Monday and get my 6500 asap. Now? I had to force myself to do that, today.

If it was fun, people would be playing it.


I’ve pretty much switched to staying in central. At least there are still a wide variety of enemy teams. Or, widER, anyway.

While it may be fruitless, perhaps there was an unintentional increase in the AI with the new update. Of course, the AI, especially in GW seems to have better ability to fill up faster and loop easier. I have no proof of this. What i will say. In my opinion, since the last PVP update where Hero was added in, the AI teams seem a lot more prone to endless looping and being able to fill an entire team in the first turn. I have had issue with Wand and Stella in PVP, but I dont know if it’s the troops that are the issue so much as when I lose now in PVP it is swift and decisive. Like if i dont miraculously win in the first turn I will lose as soon as the AI gets to go


It’s definitely worth submitting bug report about then if people really believe that’s what’s happening since the last update.

If nothing else, we’d hopefully get a definitive response one way or the other. I’m definitely on the side of this iteration of PvP being a drag, but the AI having better looping luck is something I can’t really put a finger on. I’m hoping it’s not the case, but who can really say except those with the power to find out.

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Im sorry is this a joke? It one shots two troops! Fighting tak teams is a waste of time with blood frenzy

Working as intended is broken.

FIX YOUR GAME. THIS ISNT FUN. No i dont want nerfs. I want pvp rolled back until the devs can figure out how to make a pvp mode.

Stellarix is funnier.


Looping for the ai is a-ok. They nerfed the journey troops to make it harder on the players in that mode.