PVP Changes

I know you’ve been waiting a long time for this and I will follow up, but priority order will be things that affect core gameplay closest > things that affect core gameplay least (generally speaking, there’s lots of reasons for exceptions to this and other factors to consider).

I don’t personally have the stats about engagement rates with the PVP rework, but anything affecting that engagement rate, as you’ve suggested, as general but critical feedback about a core game mode is going to generally take priority over very specific endgame collection feedback.

I absolutely hear what you’re saying re: the dragons and needing to be able to target them. I’ve seen all the screenshots posted where people have heaps of duplicates of all of them except 1. But full transparency there’s little chance that is going to take priority if it means a programmer has to be pulled off working on a core game mode that has major pain points for every player in the game.

I know everyone is irritated about the targetting Dragons feature not coming sooner after we said we had plans, but I think we should all probably be upset and question priorities if that was prioritised over the PVP feedback, because the game should be enjoyable in the meantime while waiting to craft things.

I also know we promised this quite awhile ago, unfortunately, circumstances changed so it hasn’t been able to fit in the development schedule yet. It’s still on the list. Part of being able to share plans with the community means sometimes the timeline for it is going to be long, sometimes we won’t know when something is going to be done and sometimes even if we do have a solid ETA, that ETA can change. But we preferred to let you know we were going to do something about it than to say nothing about it.

I do get that it’s frustrating waiting for it.


In all fairness, this should have been fixed prior to redesigning PVP and before releasing a second set of rng dragons that just exacerbated the issue.


Stellarix affects core gameplay the most in pvp. And its not a long time. Its a YEAR. AND youve introduced a new must have dragon and buffed it to make it heads and shoulder better than diamantina. Ive still got players in my endgame guild who are hunting Diamantina but cant get it because of dupe gem dragons!!!

Also dont act like this is a hard change. Implement a limit to dupes before you get a new! Simple! Its not a huge change. Im currently hoarding dragonite because i refuse to play you guys’ dupe roulette anymore.


This all reads 100% like an excuse not implementing a feature that would be pro player and possibly lead to less gems being spent on Dragonite which I guess would be anti publisher.
There seems to be a large push to get player feedback. I have to assume it’s driven by players leaving the game in droves.
But all this feedback will be for not if the response to change things is at a glacier speed.
Instead of a way to target certain dragons. Your company “prioritized” implementing even more loot boxes…I mean dragon eggs.


I’m still hunting Diamantina, not even looking at the cosmic eggs yet.
Worth mentioning that I refuse to spend anything on buying dragonite until dupe protection is added, and I know a lot of players are doing the same. Don’t see the point in wasting dragonite on dupes, especially if I’m buying it.


@Kafka I think it’s a bit disingenuous to say you are prioritising PvP over dragons targeting. As was mentioned the dragons are part of the PvP problem but dragons have long been a problem before you broke PvP. As the below post shows from yourselves in SEPTEMBER 2022 !!!.


Just nerf Stellarix

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Wait more than a year for dragon dupe protection, yet when gaps were first created it was nerfed pretty much straight away. If it’s not lining the devs pockets they aren’t interested and wont fix things for the players

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Well gotta say

This newly introduced angel gem turns PVP to even more suffer addiction than before. At least you had a chance to freeze Stella and it won’t loop you to death. Now it destroys the gem and gains cleanse, continue to loop you.

What a fun mode indeed! I can’t even…


This cannot be true as the official word is that the game should not be too easy and things that loop get nerfed. Are you sure?


I recently got Diamantia in the past couple of months. I dont expect to ever get Stellarix. Im one of those unlucky people that manages to go sometimes 3 months with no perfect runs. That is RNG that no matter how much I could play would ever speed up because I have one shot a day. Add in the second set of RNG of of crafting eggs and I may never have the troop. I played PVP for anout 90s mins last night and EVERY single loss I had was to Stellarix! Most times in one to two turns. I 100% DO NOT want the troop nerfed. What I WOULD like is an opportunity to have arguably the best troop currently in the game. If that isnt a priority to the team for more than a year then that speaks volumes to mine and other players worth. Bugs should always be priority, but for me and I know a lot of other people the egg situation is game breaking


Stellarix vs stellarix is actually not a great counter due to spell shield on him. At least on brown

This team was popping stellarix like a mofo last night


That makes sense. I guess what i meant was as someone looking on from the outside without the troop I see it wrecking me every single match. I would just like the opportunity to have that ability myself across all game modes. Add in that all my guild’s recommended teams for events are usually the new cosmic dragons I can’t get. Whats even more frustrating to me is two teams in particular in PVP yesterday had TWO Stellarix! While I am happy for them it shows how broken the current system is and something they don’t quantify as broken

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Oh no i agree. And there was still matches i lost. If stellarix casts once you basically lose


That’s a very roundabout way of saying “not going to happen”.

You could at least add dupe protection. That should be very easy to code.
If number of [specific dragon] >= 4 then remove from egg pool. You’re already doing it with the guardians… What’s so hard with the dragons? (Or Cedric for that matter.)


Hello. I hate to complain, but I just can’t stay silent. The latest update is just awful. Playing has become nearly impossible, as I find myself losing very frequently. I want to emphasize the phrase “very frequently”! I’m far from being a newbie in the game, at level 1598.

When you revamped the PvP mode in update 7.3, I was thrilled. The rewards became more enticing, and I found myself enjoying the mode, which I rarely played before, except to meet the minimum for keys. Update 7.3 ignited a passion for the mode, and for that, I’m immensely grateful to you.

But now it’s a disaster. I’ve read numerous threads and gone through all the posts before saying anything. I keep asking myself the same question directed at the developers. You claim to listen to players’ feedback and implement what they ask for. I haven’t seen anyone asking for horrible PvP, yet that’s what we got. It’s very disappointing. Now, I’ve reached 6500 VP again, and I won’t go beyond that. Furthermore, I feel sick to my stomach while grinding through these 6500 points. And I won’t even apologize for it. I feel like I’m being coerced into playing more hours and spending more, even though I’m already giving you my money. Essentially, I’m paying for my own disappointment. It’s infuriating. And of course, this review won’t change anything, but I couldn’t keep quiet.

Also, Journey is just nerve-wracking. But that’s a different topic. Right now, I’m playing and using Stellarix and WOS. Most of the time, my moves don’t do the cycles, unlike my opponent’s. I’m tired of losing. It feels like I’m a fool who’s almost level 1600 but still hasn’t learned to arrange the balls correctly.

And I’ll refrain from mentioning that players will be testing upcoming updates. It’s actually a paid job, you know. But it’s good that there are enthusiasts. And I keep losing over and over again. Damn, it’s just terrible. TERRIBLE!


Cosmic dragons need to be categorized as Boss/Dragon, just like gem dragons. So people can use godslayers to deal with them. (Even though not as good as dealing with gem dragons, due to heavy spell damage reduction.) That, in turn, diversifies pvp defense teams we will encounter. Moreover, this reclassification doesn’t affect pve much, so it probably won’t trigger the roar of “No nerf”.


Hate to disappoint you but even if you have a Stellarix you will still have a high loss rate - because here is the main problem: The AI loops teams like crazy. Everyone keeps blaming troops - but think about it - if I use Wand of Stars I get maybe what - 2 turns in a row? If the AI uses WoS it easily gets 10 turns in a row, non-stop.

It was the same with the overempowered journey troops that were nerfed. I pointed this out then too - when I played with it, it never looped in the way it did in the hands of the AI.

So it is not one troop that is going to make a difference - because it also loops other troops like Queen Beatrix, even troops like Ctharrasque loops in the hands of the AI. The goblins too, many others…it just gets turns non-stop. It gets multiple 4-gem matches when I get none.

What you see the AI do with Stellarix is not the same as what you are going to be able to do with it.

And no one should come and tell me to play with frozen etc. to counter that. I am still leveling classes and I need to be able to play with the 90% of useless classes too, as do many other players.


AI is clearly biased, first - in that the looping spells are somehow / somewhat more successful. Add Beetrix, Gobtruffle, Doomed Books, and many other looping troops. AI will also pick spells that explode/have a chance to loop before taking skull matches (have you ever seen AI cast Thrall 20 times in a row? I have! Not a pretty image :rofl: ). AI needs to be programmed/designed in a certain way, and it feels like it can adjust to the player’s level. I guess it’s hard to program AI to behave like a human player to make it really realistic for us, so to make things harder - the looping luck is increasing.

At this point in the week, using a Stella team, after two days, I’m at 30% total losses (when using Elementalist). This doesn’t make for a fun gameplay experience :rofl:


Hey all, can we please keep the Gem and Cosmic Dragon drop rate feedback separate from the PVP thread? If you want both sets of feedback to be more easily seen by the team it’s better to keep them separate so that they can come to the PVP thread for PVP feedback and Dragon drop rate thread for dragon drop rates. The drop rate has nothing to do with PVP so doesn’t belong in this thread- don’t fight me - I know Stellarix is making PVP more difficult but increasing the dragon drop rate/adding duplicate protection is not how we’re going to fix PVP.

Cheers and have a great weekend.