PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

No kidding.

Its gone from pvp. Just leave it alone and let people enjoy it.

I wish they’d buff some old useless classes!


Thought you took being called an elitist as a compliment, sounds like I hit a nerve. You weren’t called it over dragon eggs, you were called it over PvP, and the words you chose to use to call PvP players you felt didn’t deserve to complete with you, or that said players shouldn’t be allowed to be upset with certain troops. You know, the ones that frustrated you?

Great, you think the game needs dupe protection for dragons. So do I.

No kidding.

There is like a sea of troops/classes they can buff.


I do take it as a compliment. I was being sarcastic because im not an elitist. If i was i wouldnt want people to get the most powerful troop because they could compete with me better now would i. I do stand by my opinion that the change was bad and was made for players who don’t want to put in the work to beat those teams.

But i do thank the devs because it broke my pvp addiction. Im limiting myself to 50 battles a day no matter the vp score of those around me. Tired of the rat race

Nothing touches elementalist. Thats not an elementalist problem. Thats a “there’s classes like knight” problem. Almost all classes need reworks.

Make them new an interesting to use. For example imo priest should bless a troop on 4 matches. And diabolist or another “evil” class should death mark on 4 matches.

Stuff like that

Again, nothing to do with you wanting people to get Stellarix.

You are correct about useless classes, though. Just look at the final trait on some of them

Elementalist: Stun, Freeze, Entangle and Burn a random enemy on 4 gem matches.
Archer: 15% chance for skull damage to be lethal.

Warden: All Allies gain 5 armour. What?
Necromancer: Gain 1 extra soul on 4 Gem matches. Again, what?

Elementalist and Archer have great final traits, the other two are completely useless. This is without actually going into the talent trees, where I know Necromancer is stronger, but the traits across classes are a complete mismatch.

Give Warden a trait to increase the change of a pet gnome encounter, I say. One is classed as a beast and the other captures them… However, I want to find pet gnomes but hate having to go through 200-300 PvP games to find one, so I’m biased.

Great idea but they are focused on pvp sadly

I am also one who almost never goes into PVP mode, ergo:

  • The only place you’ll find an opposing Stellarix is in Vulpacea Explore Mythic Boss battles,
  • You will never (NEVER) find an opposing Wand or Elementalist.

This does not strictly mean that a nerf is UN-warranted.

I get it – in principle, buffs should be preferable to nerfs, but you still have to allow a discussion/analysis on a case-by-case basis. And when (parts of) the game get monopolized by a single element being so powerful that nothing else can possibly compare, a targeted nerf to break that element’s monopoly IS, in fact, a buff to the game as a whole. And you don’t need me to advocate the concept that “monopolies are bad”, right?

And a familiar tangent...

I mention “snaking” from Mario Kart DS as an example of the nerf-buff paradox, but here’s one more: the “Maka Wuhu” track from Mario Kart 7. Due to a glitch in that track’s map design, if you jumped OOB from a specific (but easy-to-access) part of the track, Lakitu would mistakenly place you on an upper level of the track that was otherwise a good 30 seconds above where you fell off. Snaking may have gained you 5-10 second lead over the course of a race, but this track was legitimately, actually broken, and once word got out of the shortcut nobody played this track legitimately anymore: if you weren’t abusing the shortcut, you were guaranteed a last place finish (if the game even allowed you to finish at all, due to an invisible 30-second timer starting when someone crosses the finish line). Mario Kart 7 received one of the first-ever 3DS post-launch patches to fix this (though the fix was enforced solely in online races).

– will be the first to just start right back up calling for nerfs if it returns to PVP in the same condition it left. But remember, Stellarix isn’t as big a problem as The Wand. (Though Takshasa’s Wildcards are kind of a problem too)

There definitely is one thing special about Stellarix vs. Diamantina: Stellarix’s Gem creation can trigger new matches on the board instantly, where Diamantina can not (you want her Extra Turn to trigger). None of the other 6 Gem/Cosmic Dragons can do that either, it is legitimately unique to Stellarix.

Agreed. Class 3rd traits are allowed to be powerful, but Elementalist’s 3rd trait (combined with its access to Insulated and Fortitude) puts it on a whole other level – and is something people called out immediately upon its release.

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Could you, please, list the said “content for endgamers”?
Imagine me for a while as a generic endgame player…it would be nice and useful to know what portions of the game you - the powers in charge - consider as geared specifically towards me.

You do know how easy it is to get Zuul these days, don’t you? I’ve know of players who call him a bad troop for the very simple reason that they have Zuul crafted but their raw stats are too weak to support Zuul teams (skull creation backfire obliterates them and results in a loss).

Ouch. This outright eliminates quite a few players from the contetion for Endgamer title.

That is just one player’s opinion


And it can be argued and disputed.
If you ask me…
Leprechaun - unnecessary.
Wand of Stars - unnecessary.
Takshaka - unnecessary.
(Enraged) Kurandara - unnecessary.
Zuul 2.0 - helps, but not essential.

about color-restricted regions specifically, including blood frenzy enemies which, let us put it this way, is supposed to be the hardest, most endgame PvP part and it’s absurd to expect just anybody with random collection simply waltz in and crack the jackpot. It says nothing about general PvP, and it really surprises me that almost everybody seems to assume that it does.

There is a place called Central Spire and that is what you must look at when talking about generic player in generic PvP.
Judging from my 1100-ish casual (haphazardly progressed, without real system, rhyme or reason) account it is enough to have

Elementalist with Rope Dart (one of the very few instances where presence of that hated class is justified…when generic you succeed nudging dev team into nerfing it, these are the players that will be hurt - weaker accounts. Go on, beat the nerf drum harder!) or commonly available Essence of Evil if prompt crafting of Rope Dart is out of the question);
Divine Ishbaala;

That’s it. Nothing exotic and meta teams pose no serious threat even before dumbing down.

Oh, and if one really wants to do color restrictions…take green (as I’ve been to casual with the casual account so far to venture elsewhere) -

Essence of Evil
whatever other troop you care to use.

Doesn’t sound like costly or requiring a ton of hyper-rare items team to build.

Okay, I’m going to take up this point too. How does one define “hardest difficulty” content?

In every mode outside PVP (and Arena), “hardest difficulty” content simply means the highest cpu level, 80% of which are locked behind a game mode that resets per week, and therefore no player can possibly reach the top levels of without significant Gem expenditure, thus weakly correlating “endgamers” with “whales” (depending on where you primarily obtain Gems from).


I’d like to remind everyone again of the fact that no matter what you nerf, there will always be a new meta.

When I started playing, goblins were the most obnoxious thing ever.

Nowadays you rarely see them anywhere anymore.

But if you nerf everything else into the ground, like you did with journey troops, they’ll make a return.

I’d also like to ask why you nerfed pathfinders in the first place.

We wouldn’t have some of the discussions about nerfing the most endgame troops if people still had the pathfinders. They were easily accessible and gave people a chance who were starting out and willing to play very long and tedious battles in pvp for the better rewards.

Taking away/nerfing more stuff won’t help.


Pvp is the main focus atm and people feel like they have to play it. I always suggest to people to do the things you enjoy first (dungeon, adventure board, guild event, factions, explore, class leveling) before pvp.

• Simply put, guild wars was the hardest difficulty content because your team score and decisions actually mattered. One mistake could cost you the game, and it felt “just about right” to fight your rivals once every month because being stressed out every week would be too much.

• Pure faction assaults in the underworld are also difficult (Hell Gate, Were Woods, Lyrasza’s lair), but they also teach players the different layers of luck involved needed to beat teams with higher stats (starting board, extra turns, random skulls)

• Power creep is part of the process, but if you look at the new immortal troops and weapons on Taransworld, the devs seem to be desperate. They want people to pay for power, and it doesn’t feel right because these troops are trying to make Stellarix look bad. This game is just becoming a bore fest where you can just push buttons and win without thinking.


PLEASE undo almost all the recent changes made in the last 6-12 months. PvP right after the new system was introduced was awesome. Despite/because of no heroes on the opposite team, it felt fresh, new and fun. With lots of variety. A game mode for everyone to enjoy that only needed a few modifications here and there.

Then undo the pathfinder nerfs as well, so players can enjoy using them in PvP and Journey again. Maybe also in delves as they were very useful there.

Also undo the newest graphics update and bring back the visuals that didn’t create eye cancer or any other health issues on the majority of players.

Then, maybe, you want to adress the promises you already made a few years ago. Especially concerning dragon targeting or adding old event pets to the pool.

But since you’re so keen on nerfing stuff. How about nerfing goblins?

I can beat a double Stellarix/Wand team in Blood Frenzy without losing a single HP, even when the opponent is 1000 levels above me and I don’t use the PvP boosts (which are a waste of time as I might be able to play a few hours every day, just not consecutively).

But I’ll lose the majority of matches against goblins, outside of Blood Frenzy. Even if I’m 1000 levels above them AND use the boosts. I get 1 useless turn, then I can take a shower or go shopping and when I’m back, the match has ended without a 2nd turn for me …


Wait wait. Immortal troops? Pay for power? What is this? I dont like the sound of it

one of those stay tuned for update 8.0 to find out :sweat_smile:

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Yes, but it was also “PVP” without the -VP (versus player), much like when they reworked Arena to not include the Hero. Dawnbringer and Runic Blade were OP for that mode to the point of being explicitly banned from it (much like Stella and Wand currently), but imagine if you could bring Wand of Stars to the fight…

So that’s why PVP is now easier. The Wand could often be beaten or neutralised easily. Some just slap it on anything and expect it to work. Stellarix can pose more of a challenge, but to replace it seems like overkill.

not sure what you’re trying to prove by trying to take things out of context


There will always be “a” meta – by definition – the question is which meta is healthier for the game as a whole, and a good sign of a healthy meta is variety. If you reach the top and all you find are Wand of Stellarix Prismatic Elementalist Diamantina teams, what does that tell you about “the meta”?

Or did you actually enjoy GoW’s equivalent of “No Items, Fox Only, Final Destination” ?

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and that completely ignores what sylverscale said:

there will always be a new meta

Your journey boogeymen became wand/stellarix which will just become something else.

and none of those metas will ever make you happy.

Considering you’ve mentioned “being quite PVP-averse” and “I am also one who almost never goes into PVP mode”, you’re constantly trying to force changes on people for a game mode that you don’t partake in.

That SSBM old meme doesn’t even work here since there’s still more going on here then that meme jokes on.