PVP Change Notes July 24th 2024

Yes, there will always be some meta or another, but the devs can either actively promote the meta (like they’re doing now, with forcing attack teams = defense teams) or they can actively disrupt the meta otherwise than through nerfs (by e.g. bringing back player-made defense teams, which were much more varied than attack teams). For some reason, the devs decided that promoting the meta is the way to go forward, which needed a “temporary fix” by removing a certain troop and a certain troop from PvP and replacing it with another (and earlier, with journey troop nerf to the ground) … a solution to a problem they themselves created in the first place.


In my opinion, it was a good decision by the devs to take Stella and the magic wand out of the defensive teams for now!

Not so much because PvP has now become easier again, but because PvP is now playable again for people with lower levels.

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And then people will ask for more nerfs.

And then more will be nerfed.

And then a new meta will be figured out.

And then people will ask for more nerfs.

Rinse and repeat ad nauseam.


A meta team is usually the non plus ultra for its purpose.

Wand/Stellarix isn’t that, actually.

We also have variety. There are gold and soul farming meta teams, each event has a potential meta team (even though it often doesn’t feel that way), the current meta for explore 1 farming is a double Ironhawk/Dust Devil team…

The issue is not Wand/Stella/Elementalist, it’s the new PvP.

Nerfing journey troops brought out the WES teams.

Adding the hero and getting rid of the player set defense teams made those teams annoying.

Before that I used a wide variety of teams, including journey troops pre nerf. I had fun.

Now it’s a chore, and nerfing WES teams will only make the rest of the game a chore even more than it already is.

Nerfing Elementalist specifically will make it harder for newer players to keep up with guild events and all the rest, much like nerfing journey did.

And all for the sake of one mode?


With no thought given to the higher level players who now have to fight more battles than they were due to more people being willing to do blood frenzy.

It was a very narrow minded move by the devs

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Seems to me pvp is all these devs care about now

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Spot on, new PvP and extremely poor decision making is causing the unrest. It’s been a cluster you know what of botched decision making.

Breaking defence teams → breaking guild wars.

Breaking the team slots, I’ve 35 and can’t use them.

Removing peaceful play - Casual PvP

Removing competitive play - Guild Wars

Creating complete unbalance with awards/modes and dim things, ignoring team scores and basically creating the 2/3 XP because the game counts a loss (or something).

So many broken things being ignored, the icons and guild logos on mobiles, the asset issues - the list goes on.

Tbh the recent communication was fair, but it’s been soo bad for so long, it’s driven a chunk of players and friends away.


The question is also: what is a high level player for you?

For me it is more important that the game has a certain balance and that even low level players have fun with the game.

It’s not just about my personal convenience, whether I have to fight a few more or fewer fights.

I think it’s exactly this kind of self-thinking that some high level players have that has led this game to the dead end where the game is right now.


Theres a way to cater to low and high level players. Making the hardest mode in the game easier so they can compete with years long vets is not one of them. The stellarix wand change was made in an entirely reactionary manner, purely because people found it “too hard.” Well there were many that didnt.

If they can simply remove troops from a mode like that they can just as easily add a “hard blood frenzy” mode that keeps those troops in and gives more rewards. Fight harder teams=more rewards. Its called merit.

Seems completely fair to me. The easy blood frenzy is there and a harder one is also there for those that want to compete for the highest rewards. Double vp for non stellarix blood frenzy. Triple vp for stellarix blood frenzy. If people want those extra vps they can learn how to beat stellarix

If that suggestion is a problem then that tells me that the main issue is people just want those double vp easier.


And then people will moan for more nerfs and then people will moan about people wanting more nerfs and then ill moan about people who moan about people moaning about people moaning about punctuation … Hold up no thats not … Right.

This game is absolutely sick with things to do. It’s actually a problem for people… too much to do in the game.

I want to ask an honest question in good faith. Because I really want to understand what I’m not getting. How is it balanced, in a progressive game like GoW, for players at all stages of progress to achieve the same thing?

If where you are at in the game progression does not matter at all, then why care about where you are at? And what of all of those people who spend cash, to get farther in the progression faster? What would entice them to do that, if progression doesn’t matter?

New players have plenty to do. Early gamers have plenty to do, mid gamers have plenty to do. Late gamers even have plenty to do. End gamers have pretty much blood frenzy pvp to get deeds, to progress more for…ummmm ::chirp chrip:: more blood frenzy pvp?

To me the game is easy to dabble in all modes, as it should be. To dig deeper and do harder stuff you need to progress your account. That’s literally the game. If we are all just equal from account creation on? Then what are we even doing?


~ New pvp is released without hero and while most people enjoy it there is a very obvious advantage to lower level accounts getting a significantly larger amount of vp per battle.
~ Blood frenzy is released so higher level accounts can play against higher level teams for higher level rewards. More difficulty, more reward.
~ People complain that blood frenzy is as advertised, difficult. People complaining either shouldn’t be playing blood frenzy or want to win pvp battles in 2 clicks. Again blood frenzy is supposed to be the most difficult option and there are plenty of easier options to play.
~ PVP, especially blood frenzy, is nerfed in what seems to be a not very well though out quick reaction decision.
~ Now we are back where we started. Lower level accounts again have a much stronger advantage to gaining VP against higher level accounts.

Nerfs to pvp, troops, weapons or classes is not the answer. Reminding players that they have Options and that you don’t need to play and shouldn’t win the most difficult battles every single time should have been the solution.


Reminding players that they have Options

Yeah we do. And with 3rd in my group over 30K VP in 2 days, I will execute my option to not even try for the bonus gold marks.
If the devs feel it is best for the game to have lower levels grinding PvP to death that’s fine.
I can get more books by purchasing deeds from merchant in a week than by doing 10 hours in PvP.

I’m still getting 300ish marks from PvP goals, citadel battles and The Dark Order reward fights.
A bit annoying to miss league rewards. Never going to try for Global.
Couldn’t care less that I’m missing out on Gold marks by not paying $7.99/15 days, or $9.99/day


30k VP is 1.5-2 hours in a speedy bloodfrenzy, like today. Goddamn. one 2 hours session to beat a guy who grinded it for 2 days straight… Seems plausible reason to wine, yeah.

But it’s only 2 days in. I’m guessing they’re not stopping. And with the all favorite purple and green blood frenzy today I’m guessing it will be a fair bit higher at reset.
30K isn’t a problem. 120K isn’t worth the effort

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Did you misspell win or whine?

I couldn’t be bothered winning.
And I’m not whining. Simply making the point there is a choice to play PvP or not…

Takshaka it’s too strong, so I officially ask to lower the magic and change the traits.
Having said that, I notice that there are players who play thousands of games a week, and it is not healthy, so I ask to block those who play too much, perhaps giving a ban of a few days after 1000 games.
Of course you will listen to me, kind regards

I’ve already got four separate people in my bracket who are at 30k+. Yes, I could play for a couple of hours straight to catch up, and then play for a couple of hours every day to try and keep up, but why? The “return on investment” for my time isn’t worth it; I’d probably have to devote a significant portion of my time and energy exhaustively to PvP when there are so many other things worth doing, many of them outside of Gems of War entirely.

There’s no practical difference between my finishing 4th in my bracket and finishing 22nd in my bracket. So why kill myself with the effort?

The developers need to re-examine the rewards paradigm and to re-balance things so that the “return on investment” is a little better. The lack of such is why certain game modes languish with a player count that might be able to be tabulated without taking off one’s shoes and socks – e.g., Arena and Treasure Hunt.

I’ll play enough PvP to complete the weekly tasks and to collect Gold Marks when they’re available, but otherwise I can’t be bothered. Let the whales do the whaling.


Who would have thought ROI on playing mindless games is quite low, huh?
This game was always about who has the most free time to spare, all the time, all along. Suddenly …

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Top 4 in my bracket (I’m 4th) - I don’t want to publish a full screenshot, this is not a call-out of any specific player, people do whatever they want with their time.


It’s “only” mid-Wednesday…