Maraji Expanse

Well, trying to play the pvp citadel/quick battle today they have the potions that randomly spawn as well as it being goblin. So its nonstop extra turns and theres no chance to do snything because again everyone is using wand of stars… there needs to be an overhaul or go back to the original pvp. This pvp is so frustrating and off putting. I mean I am in the diamond tier but this is ridiculous. I literally got one turn, they ended up with a 5 of a kind that gave them their wand. Then it was 3 minutes of extra turns before i got fed up and quit the match. Its not worth the headache. Just my two cents


Just leave and start again without giving up a turn. Simple as is. There are no balance changes incoming any soon.

Yeah it was a bit of a nightmare today in the citadel with the potions , but if all the matches was auto wins i think id stop playing.

The worst part is when there isn’t anything in the opponent team that deals damage, so it just keeps on looping for minutes, even at highest speed setting. I wish there was some “Skip All Animations And Go Directly To The Board State Where I Can Take My Next Action” button.