I'd love to know before I go! (PVP request)

Here’s what I see when I go to PVP:

That conveniently shows me what regions are available to fight. I’m all excited! I wonder what restrictions they have. I click one and see:

Interesting. I still have no idea what we’ll battle. I mean, we voted, we were given options, at this point it would be handy to know. But let’s click Citadel War, surely the answer will be there:

So… I still have no idea. I won’t until I click a team and see what i can choose from.

My request is to easily see this data. I’d love that to be on the first screen, where it’s listed what regions are available now. Similar to how we voted would be ideal (“elf, potions” or “green troops, angel gems”.

Please, please, please, can we know before we go?

PS. Thank you for the new PVP… it’s been awesome.


That’s a great point. I always click straight through to my team and decide then. I just accepted the extra clicks but it is annoying.

That first Citadel Overview screen has plenty of space to list the restrictions, if they find the Alliance page doesn’t have enough space for Mobile.

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The current daily active citadels have a brown band on them on the main map (Similar to the red band for blood frenzy region)
You can see the restriction there. And click on the region and enter the Citadel battle there.
The Citadels are always active on the same day each week as well. So you kind of get used to where they are. And where the bonus is the next day

Yep, I know. But just imagine how handy it would be to, in one spot, see what battles types are available before clicking on a region.